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The 5 moments everyone is talking about from Jon Stewart's final 'Daily Show'

Aug 7, 2015, 21:43 IST

Comedy Central

More than 50 people appeared on Jon Stewart's final "Daily Show" episode on Thursday, but which ones most stood out for viewers?

Amo bee Brand Intelligence shifted through the more than 280,000 tweets during the episode to figure out which guests most popped on Twitter - a pretty good indication of who got viewers' attention overall.

Here's the most-tweeted guests of Stewart's final "Daily Show" episode:

1. Stephen Colbert, 6,669 tweets

The Daily Show
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 The former correspondent flipped the tables on Stewart when he went off the teleprompter to thank the host for his professionalism, kindness, and tremendous know-how in doing his job. He also got Stewart to cry.

2. Bruce Springsteen, 2,772 tweets

 The New Jersey rocker and his E Street Band closed out the episode. "This is by request of the man himself," Springsteen said. They went ton to play "Land of Hope and Dreams" and "Born to Run."

3. John Oliver, 1,341 tweets

Comedy Central

The former correspondent had replaced the host at "The Daily Show" desk while Stewart shot his movie, "Rosewater." Now hosting his own show at HBO, he gave Stewart grief for dealing with the limitations of basic cable and then prepared to host the show one more time.

4. John McCain, 1,062 tweets

McCain appeared as part of a montage of politicians and journalists, McCain appeared with a Jon Stewart puppet. That, of course, was a reference to the McCain puppet that Stewart once had on the show.5. Wyatt Cenac, 945 tweets
Cenac recently made headlines when he revealed that he left "The Daily Show" over a disagreement with Stewart over the host's imitation of Herman Cain. While Cenac didn't enter the studio, the two confirmed that they were "good."


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