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The Best Pilot-Shot F-18 Fighter Video You'll Ever See

Feb 15, 2013, 20:54 IST

Our apologies: We had some trouble with the video, but now it's up and running again. Rest assured, watching this American hotshot is the perfect way to end your week.


I spent three days last fall on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower while it performed a never-ending mission off the coast of Iran. From the deck landings, to the flattop during flight ops, to the wooden paneled state room, there was not one moment as much fun as this video.

Sitting on YouTube and clocking over 300K views, the pilot-shot video is creating a following. The best part, aside from the fact that you'll actually feel like you're in the cockpit, is that it's available in 1080 high-definition.

So grab your coffee, sit back, and set this to full screen before doing anything more practical with your Friday.

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