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The Best Tribute To Nelson Mandela’s Passing Comes From A Food Store

Dec 13, 2013, 16:19 IST

Many hearts broke and people felt a void when the news of Nelson Mandela’s passing emerged. The news rocked the world, as one of the most courageous and strong leaders of earth had passed away. The current world leaders united as one to pay tribute to the man who led a furious fight in a nation where many said victory for him was never on the cards.

He won hearts and became one of the most influential yet down to earth leaders. After his death many tributes came but nothing as brilliant or touching as the one from the South African Chain Store called WoolWorths. We do not know the language used in this video, but the sheer power behind the not known words to us is numbing.

R.I.P. Mr Mandela, the world misses you. Here is the video, which is touching half a million views done by the store.

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