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15 of the most expensive colleges that are only offering virtual learning this fall

  • This fall, some US colleges reopened their campuses with social-distancing measures.
  • However, more than 300 universities are operating completely online for the semester, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education.
  • Some schools that are completely virtual for the fall, like Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University, issued tuition reductions.
  • Many universities that closed their campuses for the fall kept tuition prices the same as they were for the 2019-2020 school year.

In early or mid-June, there was a sense of hope for college students. Many universities pushed for a fall semester with reopened campuses for in-person learning.

Colleges, like the University of Pennsylvania or Georgetown University, sent out emails to their students announcing plans that campus would reopen with social-distancing measures, face mask requirements, and a combination of online and in-person classes.

But later in the summer, the continued threat of the novel coronavirus led many university officials to keep campuses closed. Now, more than 300 higher education institutions are fully remote for the fall, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Using The Chronicle of Higher Education's list of institutions that are remote this fall, Insider found 15 of the most expensive undergraduate colleges in the US that only offer virtual classes this semester.
