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23 hauntingly beautiful photos of abandoned churches around the world

  • These abandoned churches in Italy, France, Romania, Belgium, Poland, and the Czech Republic are now crumbling after being abandoned.
  • Some of the original architecture remains, like stunning stained-glass windows and gilded altars.
  • Other features, however, have been lost as these churches, chapels, and synagogues are overtaken by nature.
  • Photographer Roman Robroek told Insider he has come across some spooky artifacts, such as bones, while traveling the world to take images of abandoned churches.

These churches, chapels, and synagogues may be abandoned, but much of their original architecture remains.

From Italy to France, Romania, and the Czech Republic, photographer Roman Robroek captures breathtaking photos of these hauntingly beautiful "houses of God," usually unreachable to the average explorer.

"Chapels and churches are among my favorite abandoned places to visit because of the secrecy of what's going on 'behind' the altar," Robroek told Insider. "I get to check every room and run into the most amazing things."

Here are 23 photos that show inside abandoned churches, chapels, and synagogues around the world.
