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8 fun ways you can celebrate Disney during the holidays from home

  • Though you might not be able to visit Disney theme parks for the holidays this year, there are ways to celebrate at home.
  • One way to do so is to re-create some of Disney's popular holiday recipes from your kitchen.
  • You can also relive your favorite theme-park memories by watching recordings of fireworks and parades on YouTube.

Disney theme parks are arguably the most magical around the holidays.

Unfortunately for many fans this year, visiting a Disney theme park might not be possible. Some people can't travel due to COVID-19 restrictions, while others aren't able to visit their favorite Disney landmarks, like Disneyland, which has remained closed since the start of the pandemic.

That being said, there are still lots of ways to create some Disney magic at home. From re-creating theme-park recipes to decorating your home with Mickey-shaped ornaments, here are some ideas to help get you through the season.
