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A college student went viral for setting her mom and professor up on a blind Zoom date

Apr 21, 2020, 02:56 IST
Aly Oliver devised a Zoom set-up between her mother and her professor. Aly Oliver/TikTok
  • Aly Oliver, a college student at the University of Colorado Boulder, went viral on TikTok after documenting her attempts to set her mother up with her professor during a Zoom call.
  • Oliver, after hearing her mom refer to her professor as "a babe," resolved to attend virtual office hours — allowing her mother to "interrupt" for a chat with the professor.
  • After the video received 5 million views in one day, Oliver reached out to her professor to confess the scheme.
  • Ultimately, the professor allowed her to keep the video posted as long as she promised to write her next paper about TikTok and intellectual property rights. She says she plans to include her mother's cellphone number at the bottom of the page.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Aly Oliver, a college student at the University of Colorado Boulder, is a devoted daughter — and her most recent act of devotion has earned her viral fame.

Last week, Oliver made an attempt to set up her single mother with her college professor over Zoom. She documented the scheme in a TikTok video, which has racked up 9 million views in under a week.

"My mom started crushing on my professor during quarantine," she captioned the first clip in the video.

"Oh my God, that guy is a babe!" Oliver's mother says as she peers over her daughter's shoulder to look at the professor.

"So I decided to go on his office hours so she could 'accidentally' walk in," Oliver captioned the second frame of the video, in which she reports that her mother promised to "get [her] an A in that class."


The video then cuts to a clip of Oliver's mother practicing her "accidental" interruption on the call.

In the final clip, Oliver films herself chatting with her professor via Zoom, reminding him that her parents are divorced so she's staying in two different places during quarantine. Her mother approaches and the three proceed to have a conversation.

In just one day, the video was viewed approximately 5 million times, ultimately doubling its views in a week.

The comments section is filled with support for Oliver's mother and a potential mom-professor relationship.

"Ohh I want this for her SO BAD," one commenter wrote.


"Your mom is so bold it's inspiring," another commenter said to the tune of 308,000 likes.


After the video went viral, Oliver reached out to her professor to notify him of his newfound TikTok fame — and she posted his response email in an Instagram story.

While he did not appear thrilled that he'd been secretly recorded, he respected her motivation.

"Hi Aly," the email reads, "surreptitiously recording aside, that's [an] endearing thing for a daughter to do for a mother."

The professor went on to say that Oliver could leave the video posted to TikTok on the condition that she write a required "position statement" for class on intellectual property rights issues — "vis a vis TikTok," including her viral video.


For those who missed the Instagram update, Oliver posted a second TikTok video updating her mom's new fans on the situation.

Unfortunately, she had little to share about the progression of the relationship.

"There's not much, guys, they live in two different states and.. quarantine," she says in the video.

She goes on to share her reaction to viral fame ("oh, f--k, this is so awkward") and the email she sent to her professor promising to take the video down if he felt uncomfortable.

Luckily, she says, he was "so chill" and she is currently writing her paper about TikTok.

Still, she remains her mother's loyal wing-woman.


"I'm gonna drop my mom's cell phone number at the end of my essay," she says. "Because what do I have to lose."

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