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I spent 2 weeks in India. A highlight was visiting a small mountain town so beautiful it didn't seem real.

  • My family and I spent two days in the mountain town of Munnar during a trip through southern India.
  • We visited tea plantations and a national park and spent the night at a boutique hotel.

Late last year, my family and I spent two weeks traveling through India's southern state of Kerala. We spent a week by the beach in Kovalam, Christmas Day aboard a private houseboat, and two days seeking refuge from the blistering heat in the mountain town of Munnar.

As Business Insider previously reported, travelers are continuing to splurge on big trips — think international destinations and unique experiences — and this hill station situated in India's Western Ghats mountain range did not disappoint.

Renowned for its rolling miles of geometric tea plantations shadowed by impressive mountain ranges, Munnar is one of the greenest and most peaceful places I've ever visited.

Here's what we did during our two-day stay and why this small town should be on your bucket list.
