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I tasted 5 brands of nonalcoholic beer, and the Clausthaler was a convincing dupe of the real thing

InsiderThe five nonalcoholic beer options for this experiment.Emma Taylor/Insider
  • I taste tested five nonalcoholic beers during Dry January, a month when many people give up drinking.
  • The process was a blind tasting, so I did not know which of the five I was trying.
  • I picked beers from Brewdog, Brooklyn, Heineken, Clausthaler, and Budweiser based on their availability in both the US and the UK. I also wanted to include a couple of well-known companies along with some smaller breweries.
  • Expecting them all to be watery and weak, I was proved wrong when most turned out to be pretty good alternatives to alcoholic beers. I would even consider ordering the option from the German brand Clausthaler at a bar.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more details.

With the rise of Dry January and the consciously sober movement, nonalcoholic drinks are an exploding market.

Once mostly the reserve of pregnant people and other nondrinkers, alcohol-free beverages have come a long way from the choice between soft drinks or ghostly imitations of their alcoholic counterparts.

To be transparent, I do regularly drink alcohol, and have never participated in Dry January or given up alcohol for any reason. At the moment, my alcohol consumption is on the lower side, but I suspect that might have something to do with the fact that the person I am most likely to have a glass of wine with is expecting a baby.

I will acknowledge, I had some preconceptions about nonalcoholic beers. I was expecting them to taste weak and watery and to be poor alternatives to "normal beers." I was also asked for ID when buying four of these beers, so bear that in mind if you're going to the store to get your own.

Though I was proved wrong during this taste test of nonalcoholic beers, I couldn't help missing the warm and relaxing buzz that drinking alcohol gives.

I am no beer connoisseur nor a fountain of fermenting knowledge; I just like a beer on occasion. This is what I found out.

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