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Meet the Trumps: How America's first family arrived in New York on a steamship from Germany in 1885 and built a sprawling empire in 4 generations

  • President Donald Trump's grandfather moved to the US from Germany in a steamship in 1885.
  • In the 135 years since then, the family has produced real estate magnates, one federal judge, and the current president of the United States.
  • On June 14, The Daily Beast reported that Mary Trump, President Trump's niece, is publishing a book about the Trump family. It's slated to be released on July 28.
  • The White House and Trump Organization didn't immediately respond to request for comment for this article from Business Insider.

The Trump family has been making headlines for decades — first, as bigwigs in the real estate world and now, as some of the most powerful politicians in America.

Last week, a new member of the Trump family stepped into the spotlight. President Trump's niece, Mary Trump, is set to publish a book titled "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" on July 28, the Daily Beast first reported.

In the book, Mary is said to reveal that she was a source behind The New York Times' investigation into her uncle's finances and says that he mocked his father, Fred Trump, as he suffered from Alzheimer's Disease in his later years.

Coincidentally, another book, "The Art of Her Deal" about Melania Trump, also made headlines last week. Written by Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post correspondent Mary Jordan, the book says that Melania renegotiated her prenup after Trump's presidential win in 2016 and that there was friction between Ivanka and Melania in the early days of Trump's tenure, something the White House has called "totally false."

Here's a look into the dynasty behind the first family of the US.
