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US business groups called on the Canadian government to 'swiftly' resolve the trucker-led protest at the border that's wreaking even more havoc on supply chains

Feb 12, 2022, 01:28 IST
Business Insider
Truck drivers and supporters protest against vaccine mandates in the trucking industry in Ottawa, Canada on January 31, 2022.Kadri Mohamed/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
  • A protest over vaccine mandates by truckers has blocked US-Canada border crossings, causing supply chain issues.
  • Three prominent US business groups called on the Canadian government to fix the situation, according to CNN.

Things are backed up – again.

But it's not at the port of Long Beach, California, this time — it's at several border crossings between the US and Canada, where trucker-inspired protests against COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates have partially blocked the flow of traffic and goods.

In response, three major US business advocacy groups have now raised concerns.

The blockages are "adding to the significant supply chain strains on manufacturers and other businesses in the United States," per a statement released jointly by the US Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable and National Association of Manufacturers on Thursday, according to CNN.

As of Friday, the "freedom convoy" blocked the Ambassador Bridge — which connects Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario — hampering the flow of goods needed to make cars for the fourth day in a row, according to the Associated Press.


The business groups added to similar urging by auto industry groups voices calling on the government to intervene, saying in the statement: "We respectfully urge the Canadian government to act swiftly to address the disruption to the flow of trade and its impact on manufacturers and other businesses on both sides of the border."

President Biden also urged the Canadian government to take action, per the AP.

On January 15, the Canadian government created a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the border. By the end of the month, protests began in Vancouver and Ottawa. It evolved into an occupation in Ottawa, with Ottawa's mayor ultimately declaring a state of emergency and said "the situation at this point is completely out of control."

Earlier Insider reporting showed a Telegram chat supporters of the convoy were using to raise money for pricey meals to support the protestors. On Thursday, the Canadian Superior Court of Justice froze access to money given on Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, according to NPR and Canadian outlet Global News.

The statement by the US business groups focused on the potential effect on factories across the country: "The business community is rolling up its sleeves to find workarounds and keep facilities up and running, but we are already seeing some production cuts, shift reductions, and temporary plant closures."

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