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What a Los Angeles local wants tourists to know before visiting, from weather advisories to drought warnings

Sep 28, 2022, 19:01 IST
The weather in Los Angeles is generally mild throughout the year, but can be chilly in the evenings.Natasha Lee for Insider
  • Los Angeles typically has mild winters, but summer temperatures can reach well over 100 degrees.
  • Along the coast and beaches, the weather often cools off at night even on hot summer days.

I grew up in Los Angeles and have lived here for most of my adulthood as well. If you're visiting Los Angeles as a tourist for the first time, here are advisories

Weather advisories

Los Angeles' weather can be extreme. In the summer, expect temperatures to soar substantially, well over 100 degrees — so plan your wardrobe, transportation, and hydration accordingly. And when the weather is this hot and dry, consider a practical itinerary — outdoor activities like hiking can be dangerous. Expect coastal locations and beaches to be much cooler than inland locations, and it's often cool at night even when the days are hot — so pack accordingly.

It doesn't typically get particularly cold in wintertime: January's typical weather ranges from between 48 and 68 degrees, but this can also vary, so it's best to check the forecast ahead of your trip.

And be aware that the LA area — along with much of the Western US — is experiencing a drought. There are restrictions on outdoor watering, and visitors should conserve water in whatever ways possible while in town.


COVID-19 advisories

As of this March, Los Angeles County has no travel restrictions or requirements involving a negative COVID-19 test or proof of vaccination. Masks are no longer required in most public indoor or outdoor settings. That said, it's typical to see people both masked and unmasked in public settings. Respecting others is a must.

COVID-19 testing is still available at sites all over town, from LAX to street-corner popups. Use your judgment to identify official-looking testing sites and double-check with the county's list of COVID-19 testing locations — unprofessional-looking setups could be unlicensed or scams. You can also stop into any CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreens, or another local drug store to pick up at-home tests.

View Insider's comprehensive guide to visiting Los Angeles, California.

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