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There's A New Generation Of Young People Hopping America's Trains [PHOTOS]

May 5, 2013, 18:34 IST

Mike Brodie/Paul Schiek/TBW BooksMike Brodie began train-hopping in 2002 at the age of 17 when he left his house unannounced with a few belongings.


"Two weeks later I was gone — this was it, I was riding my very first freight train."

From 2004 to 2009 Brodie rode more than 50,000 miles through 46 states, documenting who and what he encountered along the way with a Polaroid camera before switching to 35mm film in 2006.

The Polaroid Kid showcased his pictures in the book "A Period of Juvenile Prosperity," depicting a gritty youth subculture of freight train hoppers and squatters.

“I know almost everyone I shoot,” Brodie says, “Three of the women in the book are ex-girlfriends and a couple of the guys … are best friends.”


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