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This app wants to help you explore your sexual fantasies

Sep 21, 2015, 23:20 IST

UnderCoversSometimes people don't try new things in the bedroom not because they aren't curious, but because they're easily embarrassed. It can be hard to talk openly about a sexual fantasy, even with someone you've been intimate with for a long time.


But now there's an app designed to take the awkwardness out of exploring new sexual avenues - and it might just save a few relationships in the process.

The app is called UnderCovers, and the premise is a simple one. You and your partner are both presented with a series of 99 possible kinks, from role-playing to soft bondage to different types of threesomes. Then you have three options: yes, no, or maybe. If both partners select "yes," they are notified, similar to Tinder.

If you say "maybe," UnderCovers includes a nifty little feature which opens up a chat box for you to have a dialogue. And though you might just want to have that discussion in person, the idea of being able to say "maybe" you'd like to do something if you talk about it is useful for opening up communication.

UnderCovers, which was built by a German team, isn't the only app making a play for this market. PlsPlsMe, which focuses more on building sexual profiles of users, is currently in private beta and set to release later this year.



"All the research we're doing, one out of three Americans adults say they have a hard time talking about their sexual desires with a partner," PlsPlsMe cofounder Graceann Bennett told Business Insider in May. "And we also know that over half of Americans wish people were more open-minded when it came to sexual exploration, so there's this gap between what we want and what we're asking for and getting."

Both these apps are trying to close that gap - and help partners stay turned on by each other for a long time.

You can download UnderCovers for iOS or Android.

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