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This is how much cheaper it is to hire someone in India than you

Jun 3, 2016, 15:23 IST

Vivek Prakash

Indian workers who do the exact same job as people in the UK earn up to seven times less, according to salary-benchmarking site Emolument.


Analysing 3,071 salaries and bonuses in both countries, Emolument found that strategy consultants are the best-paid jobs in India, but employees in that sector still earn more than three times less than their UK counterparts.

But the pay gap becomes even wider in the IT sector.

Software developers have the biggest UK-India pay discrepancy, with Indian workers earning almost £64,000 ($92,000) less on average than British developers.

Software employees who want to earn the most should work in finance, according to the findings, which pays the most in both countries of any IT sector.


Strategy consulting is also relatively lucrative for Brits and Indians, with similar bonus-to-salary proportions, while auditing and HR are on the low end of pay spectrum.

Here's a rundown of the different pay scales in the UK and India:


Alice Leguay, co-Founder and COO at Emolument said the pay discrepancies in both countries were somewhat evened out by the different costs of living. She added that job outsourcing to India would only increase:

The cost of living in India is one of the lowest globally while the UK is one of the most expensive places to live. This can partly explain the difference in salary. However with ever-increasing imports, Indian purchasing power is likely to be pushed down.


Global companies in the meantime are outsourcing more and more of their non-client facing activities to India making huge savings on staff costs. We expect this phenomenon to increase as companies across all industries recruit highly educated technical staff locally to deal with key value-add processes such as research and analytics.

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