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This Jeremy Corbyn quote shows why Labour could get absolutely battered in the 2020 election

Aug 8, 2016, 16:06 IST

Thierry Chesnot / Stringer

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn answered questions put to him by Mirror readers over the weekend and one of his responses revealed one the major reasons why the party is flirting with electoral disaster.

Corbyn, who has also done interviews with The Telegraph and Huffington Post in the past week, was asked about subjects ranging from Labour's economic policy to his pet cat.

However, it was his telling answer to a question about recent opinion polls which ought to have the party worried.

Corbyn was asked: "All the polls show Labour are at a low in terms of support, and John McDonnell's and your personal ratings are abysmal compared to Philip Hammond and Theresa May. Why do you think this is, and do you think you can reverse it?"


In response, the under-pressure leader said the following:

"I think the British people are very skeptical when it comes to opinion polls. A much more reliable measure of our support is our performance when votes have been cast. We've increased our majority in every by-election, we've won every mayoralty and we've increased our share of vote in local elections."

Corbyn seemed to imply that he doesn't pay much attention to opinion polls. This sort of willful ignorance could be very dangerous. Opinion polls are not perfect - as we know from the last general election and recent EU referendum - but what they all saying at the moment is unanimous and indisputable: Labour is massively behind the Tories.

The last poll put Labour a whopping 14-points behind the Conservatives at a point in the electoral cycle when the opposition parties have almost always been leading throughout British political history. The gulf between the two parties has been continually widening since last month.

The Labour leader's personal ratings are also at rock-bottom. A YouGov survey conducted earlier this month indicated that just 18% of respondents thought Corbyn would make a better prime minister than Theresa May. Just over half (52%) backed the current PM.


If Corbyn isn't interested in addressing this gulf and the reasons for it, then it is no wonder why so many Labour MPs question his ability to make the party a viable electoral force. Supporters of Owen Smith have picked up on this point, too.

The Labour leader attracts huge crowds to his rallies but these crowds are made up of his own supporters. There is a fundamental difference between preaching to the converted and appealing to the British population - but Corbyn seems reluctant to acknowledge this.


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