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Trevor Noah rips apart Donald Trump's anti-immigration views in profanity-filled rant

Sep 15, 2016, 19:29 IST

Comedy Central; Twitter

Trevor Noah delivered a smackdown on Donald Trump in a rapid-fire and profanity-laden video posted online.

In what "The Daily Show" host calls a "Viral Rant," the South African-born comedian explained why he has had enough of Trump's take on immigrants and minorities.

"The greatest country in the world is the country that accepts people who come in from everywhere in the world, Mr. Donald Trump," Noah said. "And I know you think that half the country is a basket of deportables. Yeah, I said it, 'deportables,' not 'deplorables.' But the good people of America know the greatest country in the world is the country where you can come in and create anything."

Noah then went on to explain that Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was the son of a migrant.

"You know what came from Syria? The iPhone came from Syria, Donald Trump," Noah said. "The same iPhone you tweet s--- about the refugees on. Every time you tweet with those fat, little fingers of yours, you should be saying thank you to them for giving you that same phone."


Noah continued to hammer away at Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan, asking how he intends to to do that when the country is already great.

"The fact that a South African could be sitting in this chair that was once run by an American and can be telling you all of this," he pointed out. "This proves how great this country is."

Noah also reminded the candidate, "You got your wife from a foreign country, Mr. Donald Trump."

The host then ended his tirade with one more point on Trump's view of minorities.

"You have a problem with people of color," he said. "Maybe, you should look in the mirror, a--hole, because you have the most color of all."


Watch the full "Viral Rant" below:

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