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TRUMP: Adversaries of US 'almost certainly have a blackmail file' on Clinton

Jul 6, 2016, 02:19 IST

Donald Trump.Marc Piscotty/Getty Images

Donald Trump said in a Tuesday statement that "our adversaries almost certainly have a blackmail file" on Hillary Clinton after FBI Director James Comey announced it was certainly "possible" hostile actors gained access to her private email account.


The presumptive Republican nominee said Comey laid out a "detailed case" of how Clinton "compromised the safety of the American people by storing highly classified information on a private email server with no security."

"He confirmed that her email could easily have been hacked by hostile actors, and confirmed that those she emailed with were hacked," he said. "Our adversaries almost certainly have a blackmail file on Hillary Clinton, and this fact alone disqualifies her from service."

Comey announced Tuesday that the FBI would not recommend charges be filed against Clinton, despite characterizing her conduct handling classified information as "extremely careless."

"The final jury will be the American people, and they will issue the verdict on her corruption, incompetence, and bad judgment on November 8th," Trump said.


Trump also said Comey "revealed" that Clinton "lied when she said that she did not send classified information."

"The FBI Director confirmed that over 100 emails were deemed classified at the time they were sent, including emails classified as top secret," he said.

Trump alleged "it was no accident" charges were not filed against Clinton "the exact same day as President Barack Obama campaigns with her for the first time."

"Folks - the system is rigged," he said. "The normal punishment, in this case, would include losing authority to handle classified information, and that too disqualifies Hillary Clinton from being President."

Trump added: "But because of our rigged system that holds the American people to one standard and people like Hillary Clinton to another, it does not look like she will be facing the criminal charges that she deserves. Bill Clinton didn't accidentally run into the Attorney General on the airport tarmac last week in Phoenix."


Attorney General Loretta Lynch maintained last week that she chatted with the former president about grandchildren and golf, not the FBI's probe into his wife's handling of classified information.

Lynch is expected to accept the FBI's recommendation not to file charges against Clinton in the email probe.

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