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TRUMP: Bill Cosby looks 'guilty as hell' and 'I've never liked him'

Jul 18, 2015, 01:54 IST

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a news conference regarding issues on undocumented immigrants in Beverly Hills, CaliforniaThomson Reuters

Real-estate developer Donald Trump recently said that he thinks embattled comedian Bill Cosby looks "guilty as hell" as he faces sexual misconduct accusations from a myriad of women.


Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, weighed in on the Cosby scandal in a radio interview with 77 WABC in New York that will air Sunday.

The host asked him if thought Cosby should lose his Presidential Medal of Freedom. Trump said he would try if he were president.

"I think you could take it away," Trump said. "I don't know if you could take a medal away or not. It's not the most important thing but I would say if you can, take it away."

Trump also stressed that he was never a fan of the "highly overrated" Cosby.


"I've never been a fan of Bill Cosby. I've never liked him. I've known him; I've never liked him. I think he was a highly overrated guy - both in talent and in many other ways. And who would think that this would have happened?" Trump asked.

Trump pointed to a development earlier this month where the AP revealed that Cosby "admitted in a 2005 deposition that he obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with."

"All of a sudden, last week, with the court case, where it was unveiled that he actually did this horrible thing. So I don't know. I've never been a fan," Trump said. "I think he's guilty as hell. I mean, he's looking guilty. And that last week's event was very bad for him where they had the sealed documents unsealed."

President Barack Obama was also asked about Cosby's presidential medal earlier this week. Obama said there's no precedent for revoking the award, which was bestowed upon Cosby by former President George W. Bush.

Cosby, who has maintained his innocence, has not been charged with a crime.


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