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TRUMP: 'I'm going to unify blacks and whites'

Mar 4, 2016, 22:11 IST

Donald Trump.AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

Donald Trump told supporters during a Friday rally that he's going to "unify blacks and whites."


"Believe it or not, I'm a unifier," he said in Warren, Michigan. "I'm will unify the country. I'm going to unify blacks and whites. I'm going to unify. And we are not unified now."

Trump said that when President Barack Obama was elected, Trump thought there would be "much more unity."

"The African-Americans, the whites will have something," he mused. "Nothing happened."

"It's worse now than ever before," he continued. "We are going to unify our country."


The GOP frontrunner has been under fire in recent days for not swiftly denouncing the support of David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who said that voting for a candidate other than Trump would be "treason to your heritage."

When asked last Sunday by CNN's Jake Tapper about Duke's support, and the support of white-supremacist groups in general, Trump said he didn't "know anything" about David Duke. He added that he didn't know enough about the group to make any statement.

Later, Trump blamed a "bad earpiece" for his comments, and pointed to a press conference last Friday during which he disavowed Duke's support. He has disavowed Duke's endorsement multiple times in the days since.

"I mean, there's nobody that's done so much for equality as I have," Trump said earlier this week on ABC's "Good Morning America.

But Trump's competitors jumped on him for failing to distance himself.


"Really sad," Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas .

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida : "We cannot be a party that nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan."

And former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee who has been engaged in a days-long war of words with Trump, called his answer to Tapper "a disqualifying & disgusting response."

NOW WATCH: CORY BOOKER: I'm going to work hard to make sure Trump doesn't win

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