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Trump says Democrats would vote down George Washington for Supreme Court: 'Didn't he have a couple of things in his past?'

Sep 27, 2018, 03:22 IST

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said Democrats would even oppose George Washington if he nominated the first president for the Supreme Court.Hulton Archive/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump on Wednesday said Democrats probably wouldn't even vote in favor of George Washington if he nominated him for the Supreme Court. 
  • "If we brought George Washington here, and we say this is George Washington, the Democrats would vote against him," Trump told reporters.
  • Trump was addressing sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said Democrats probably wouldn't even vote in favor of George Washington if he nominated him for the Supreme Court. 

"If we brought George Washington here, and we say this is George Washington, the Democrats would vote against him," Trump said to reporters while addressing questions about Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh during a press conference in New York.

The president referred to Democratic Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer and his party as "con artists."

"He may have had a bad past. Who knows?" Trump said of Washington.


During a marathon press conference, Trump railed at Democrats, who he said oppose Kavanaugh's nomination for purely political reasons. He repeatedly referred to sexual assault allegations against the judge as a "con job." 

Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault or misconduct by three women: Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick. 

Kavanaugh and Ford are set to testify on her allegations against him before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. 

As new allegations arose against Kavanaugh on Wednesday, Senate Democrats called for Thursday's hearing to be delayed. Senate Democrats have led the charge in ensuring Kavanaugh's accusers are heard, also calling for the FBI to investigate the allegations. Along the way, Senate Republicans and the president have accused Democrats of intentionally delaying the confirmation process. 

The Supreme Court nominee has vehemently denied the allegations against him and Trump has stood by Kavanaugh amid the avalanche of accusations. 


Trump on Wednesday said he believed many the allegations against the judge to false, but he stopped short of calling Kavanaugh's accusers "liars."

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