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Video appears to capture the moment hostages escaped from Paris theater

Nov 15, 2015, 02:02 IST

A video captured by Le Monde journalist appears to show individuals fleeing the Bataclan concert venue in Paris, where at least 89 people were killed by terrorists on Friday night. 


Gunshots and screams can be heard as people run out of a theater door. Others can be seen hanging from the sides of the building.

One man emerges from the building, evidently wounded as he limps away from the scene. Another man can be seen dragging a victim into the street and out of the chaos.

Images de la fusillade au Bataclan by lemondefr

In France's deadliest violence since World War II, a series of attacks in Paris on Friday night have left at least 129 people dead and 352 injured - including 99 critically - Paris' prosecutor said in a press conference Saturday. Seven of the perpetrators of the attacks have also been killed. 

Attackers inside Bataclan, where the American band Eagles of Death Metal was performing, were reportedly shooting hostages one-by-one. France 24 reported that the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages, and explosions could be heard from outside the theater.

One man who escaped told CNN that the attackers had "calmly" reloaded their guns at least three times.

Benjamin Cazenoves, who says he was injured in the attack, posted a message on Facebook from inside the Bataclan that has since gone viral.

"I am still at the Bataclan. First floor. Gravely injured. They should storm the place as soon as possible. There are survivors inside. They are killing everyone. One by one. On the first floor, quick!!!!" he wrote.PostbyBenjamin Cazenoves.

French police raided the theater and the attackers were neutralized.

French President Francois Hollande called the attacks an "act of war," and he pointed to the Islamic State terror group as the culprit. He said he would address French parliament on Monday in an extraordinary meeting, and the country would observe three days of official mourning. 

The group, also known as ISIS and ISIL, has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

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