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We just got a glimpse at Steve Bannon 'Make America Great Again' whiteboard

May 4, 2017, 00:58 IST

Steve Bannon and Rabbi Shmuley BoteachScreenshot/Twitter

A tweet sent on Wednesday offered a glimpse into the policy priorities of President Donald Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

Shmuley Boteach, a prominent Orthodox rabbi, met with Bannon on Wednesday, posting a photo on social media of the two in front of a covered whiteboard hanging on the wall of Bannon's White House office.

The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza reported in March on the existence of the whiteboards, which he said Bannon had installed after removing much of the furniture in the office.

Lizza said that Bannon had scrawled every campaign promise made by Trump on the board. CNN reported last week, meanwhile, that the whiteboards were headed with four columns: "Make. America. Great. Again."

Boteach's photo is the first photographic evidence of its existence.


Looking closely at the photos, it's possible to make out lists of "Pledges on Obamacare," "Pledges on Tax Reform," "Pledges on Infrastructure" and "Pledges on Immigration."

There are check marks next to several immigration priorities, some of which have not yet been achieved, including "Suspend the Syrian refugee program," and others that have or that are in the process of coming to fruition, including "End 'catch-and-release,'" "Hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents," "Triple the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents," and "Restore the Secure Communities program."

One of the most notable priorities reads "Build the border wall and make Mexico ... "

The parts of the lists that are visible don't contain any surprises - all are campaign promises or stated goals of the Trump administration.  

Boteach's photos made the rounds on Twitter, with Comedy Central's The Daily Show tweeting an edited photo with fake to-do list items, including "Repeal and Replace First Amendment" and "Find new host body." 



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