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We Never Realized Packing Peanuts Could Be So Beautiful

Apr 24, 2014, 16:39 IST

An artist named Zimoun, famous for using everyday materials to create hypnotic soundscapes, has taken regular packing peanuts to a whole new level.


At the Art Museum of Lugano in Switzerland, Zimoun's newest installation - 36 ventilators, 4.7m3 packing chips - is basically a room filled with swirling packing peanuts and white noise.

You look and listen from the outside.


A series of ventilation fans send the peanuts into an constantly-moving flow.


Each window of the museum is a separate chamber filled with styrofoam.


The result is mesmerizing.


Here's the full video preview of the exhibit, which is important to watch because it includes the noise element, which the GIFs above do not:


The exhibition runs from April 26 - July 11, 2014 at the Art Museum of Lugano.

[H/T Gizmodo]

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