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Win A Copy Of Josh Brown's New Book By Naming Every Pundit On This Awesome Sgt. Peppers Graphic

May 8, 2014, 21:31 IST

We'll keep this short and sweet.


Money manager, pundit and author Joshua Brown (aka The Reformed Broker) has a new book coming out this month co-authored with Jeff Macke. It's called 'Clash of the Financial Pundits' and it's basically about every stupid/insightful/crazy thing every talking head's ever said about finance.

"The idea behind the book was to humanize the market commentators and give investors better context for the daily barrage of opinions about the markets and economy," Brown told Business Insider.

Word is, it also includes the back story of Macke's epic meltdown on CNBC a few years ago.

So you want this book, and if you want to get it in your hands for free, all you have to do is win a contest. Check out the Sgt. Peppers-type graphic below and see if you can name every pundit. If you can, you get a signed copy of the book.


"The graphic comes from New York-based artist @Darth, whose instant creations have been lighting up Twitter for a long time now," said Brown. "I got him a list of the people who are mentioned in the book and he basically figured out all the placement and who should be where. I'm happy to point out that I am Paul McCartney and my co-author is Ringo - but don't read too much into it."

The first five people to ID the pundits and e-mail me with their answers wins (llopez@businessinsider.com).

Good luck, and don't mess it up.

@darth via Joshua Brown

@darth via Joshua Brown

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