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Words cannot describe the Adele parody video released by presidential candidate Mike Huckabee

Jan 27, 2016, 21:24 IST

Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's (R) campaign on Wednesday released an Adele-themed campaign video set to the tune of her mega-hit, "Hello."

While Adele's version is a reflection on the nature of personal growth through the lens of an intense breakup, Huckabee's take presented more of a meditation on the greatness of local Iowa businesses and restaurants. 

The campaign's song replaced lyrics like, "Time's supposed to heal you/but I ain't done much healing," with, "Try the pork chops/baked beans."

The video showed Huckabee taking phone calls on a bus, shaking hands with Iowans, playing the bass, and shooting a Thompson sub-machine gun at a firing range. 

Huckabee's campaign also deftly weaved some political memes into the video. It showed a fictional text message exchange between Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Huckabee discussing the senator's Canadian roots, as well as some footage of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton dancing on "Ellen."


Huckabee has released some eyebrow-raising advertisements and videos over the course of the election. Last fall, Huckabee released a video comparing Washington to strippers that "danced for the donor class."

Despite winning the Iowa caucus in 2008, Huckabee has languished in the polls this cycle. He again did not qualify for the main-stage Republican debate on Thursday, instead being relegated to the lower-tier affair.

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