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Yearlong journey of Scott Kelly in Space in 10 amazing pictures

Mar 14, 2016, 16:50 IST

Two astronauts Scott Kelly of NASA and Mikhail Kornienko of Roscosmos spent 340 days in space in a mission dedicated to studying the health effects of long term spaceflight.

The mission started in March 2015 and ended in February 2016.

During his #YearInSpace, Scott Kelly, who was also Station Commander while on this mission, has been sharing his experiences with thousands of followers on social media.

Here are the ten most amazing things he did while commandeering the shuttle.

1. Over 340 days and 5440 orbits, the astronauts witnessed 10,944 sunrises and sunsets.

2. Kelly took selfies when going on spacewalks.

3. Kelly celebrated Christmas and President's Day in space.

4. Scientifically, the mission brought the first ever space-grown food - lettuce

5. The first space-grown flower

6. The astronauts did not miss the SuperBowl

7. Space journey was not devoid of entertainment. They watched The Martian, Gravity and Star Wars.

8. They flew through this mystic aurora

9. Kelly captured hurricanes, blizzards and storms from space


10. Kelly was a man with a purpose. He supported UN's Why Space Matters campaign

(Image credits: Instagram- Scott Kelly, Twitter- @StationCDRKelly)
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