8 bad habits that are ruining your sleep


sleeping woman

Flickr/Courtney Carmody

Working when you're sleep-deprived is the cognitive equivalent of coming to work drunk.

A good night's sleep has the power to increase productivity, happiness, smart decision-making, and unlock bigger ideas.


Conversely, research shows there's a direct correlation between getting less sleep and workplace inefficiency.

The prefrontal cortex, where the problem-solving functions of the brain are housed, is degraded if we don't get enough sleep.

Working when you're sleep-deprived "we now know is the cognitive equivalent of coming to work drunk," Arianna Huffington, author of "The Sleep Revolution" and The Huffington Post editor-in-chief, tells Business Insider.

The trick for getting enough sleep is planning ahead and not letting bad habits sabotage you.


These behaviors are setting you up for a bad night's sleep: