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10 tricks to make your photos look as stunning as the 'shot on iPhone' ads

Oct 4, 2016, 20:13 IST

Gianluca Colla/Apple


Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaign displays stunning photos on over 10,000 billboards across 25 different countries. The ads feature crisp, nearly perfect photos shot on iPhones - and it's likely the company will debut a new round featuring photos shot on the iPhone 7/7S.

Still, it should be clear that your photos won't all be as perfect as the ones shown in the ads. Most of your friends probably aren't models, and lots of life's experiences are pretty mundane in comparison to the campaign's vibrant images. But when you're out on an adventure, it pays to know how to wield your iPhone to best document it. It might just end up on a billboard one day.

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Here are some tips to up your shutter game.

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