11 trips everyone should take in their 30s

11 trips everyone should take in their 30sYour 30s are a magical time. You’re a fully formed adult, with all the responsibility that adulthood entails, but you might also have disposable income to spend. Thirty-year-olds “are not looking to save money necessarily, they’re looking to spend it quickly,” says Andrea Malis, a travel advisor with Comeback Odyssey Travel in Tuscon, Arizona, of her millennial clients. And since so many are pressed for time, it isn’t uncommon for these travelers to pack as much as they can into a fairly short time frame. “In four days, they’ll do what a retiree would take three weeks to do,” Malis says.


With help from a handful of seasoned travel experts, we chose the best trips to take in your 30s, whether you’re looking to sample fine Malbec, hike Machu Picchu, or clock in some spa time. Each offers rich opportunities for seeing the world—and yourself—from a wholly new vantage point.

Read the original article on Travel + Leisure. Copyright 2016.

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