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16 Great Startups College Students Are Working On Right Now

Feb 11, 2013, 23:20 IST

youtube/EntrepreneurOnlineIncredibly high profile successes by young founders like Mark Zuckerberg have made founding a startup an increasingly attractive career path for college kids.


Schools know it, and more and more of them are creating accelerators, competitions, and classes designed to get student ideas off the ground.

As a result, students aren't waiting to graduate to get started, they're using their connections at school and the support they're getting to create fascinating startups. We've collected 16 of our favorites.

These aren't just another set of apps. Some of these students found business prospects in the most unlikely of places, like a roll of toilet paper. And others, like Gabrielle Palermo, started college with the idea of becoming a doctor but figured out a way to convert her dream of helping people into a business of potentially global proportions.

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