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5th Grader Beats Out 100,000 Other Illustrators And Creates Today's Animated 'Google Doodle'

Jun 9, 2014, 16:19 IST

Audrey Zhang

Have you seen today's Google Doodle yet?


It's pretty awesome. Even more awesome? The artist is only in 5th grade. And her winning illustration smoked the competition - about 100,000 entries - to win the coveted spot of featured 'Google Doodle' and a $30,000 college scholarship.

Audrey Zhang from Levittown, New York, was the winner of the Doodle 4 Google contest. Her doodle is the first competition-winning doodle to be put into in animated form.

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The theme of the contest was: "If I could invent one thing to make the world a better place." Audrey's drawing shows a transformative water purifier, taking dirty and polluted water and transforming it into clean drinking water for humans and animals, allowing for a healthier life and a healthier earth.

Google is donating $20,000 in her name to a charity to provide clean water and latrines to schools in Bangladesh. Additionally, Audrey's school, Island Trees Middle School, will receive a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant.


"Audrey's doodle stood out in the crowd," doodle team lead Ryan Germick said. "She has a creative mind, a fast learner when it came to animation, and we enjoyed working with her to bring her doodle to life."


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