8 tips for surviving the workday when you're going through a divorce



As someone who experienced divorce firsthand, Gregory Frank knows a thing or two about how tough it can be for professionals to get through the workday while ending their marriage.

"It is very difficult, if not close to impossible, for people to get up and go to work every day when they're going through that," says Frank, the CEO and cofounder of DivorceForce, an online community for those affected by divorce. "You have all sorts of emotions: fear, loneliness, anger, depression. These feelings take a toll on your ability to focus, have energy, and face the world. Most people feel very alone when in a divorce, so going to work is actually a smart move to help keep yourself busy, and stay social. It forces you to carry on each day."

But he says divorce can be a "major distraction that consumes your daily life and constantly interferes with your job.

"The phone calls, the discussions, the preparation … a divorce is detrimental when trying to focus as it occupies your mind, when you should be focused on your job. Divorce is the second most stressful life event behind the death of a spouse, so the key is to find ways to reduce that stress."


Luckily, he says, there are a few ways to do this. Keep reading for Frank's tips on how to maintain focus, stay productive, and get through the workday when you're going through a divorce: