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Here's Boris Johnson's full resignation letter: 'We are truly headed for the status of colony'

Rob Price   

Here's Boris Johnson's full resignation letter: 'We are truly headed for the status of colony'

Boris Johnson

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Boris Johnson.

Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson has lashed out at Theresa May's Brexit plans in his letter of resignation, warning that Britain is "truly headed for the status of [EU] colony" and that "the dream [of Brexit] is dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt."

On Monday, the Conservative MP became the third minister to resign from the Cabinet in recent days over Britain's plan for exiting the European Union, throwing British politics into chaos and raising the spectre of a potential Conservative leadership challenge or general election.

In his resignation letter, Johnson chastised Theresa May for the Brexit proposal the Cabinet had collectively agreed on Friday, writing: "Since I cannot in all conscience champion these proposals, I have sadly concluded that I must go."

Read the full letter below, via Guido Fawkes:


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