Master these 8 skills to land a sure-shot job at Google

Master these 8 skills to land a sure-shot job at GoogleGetting into Google is not a cakewalk. Obviously, this tech giant is one of the most sought after companies in the world.

It's therefore not easy to decode what this company is eyeing while hiring engineers. Still there are ways one can get to know the mystery.

We get you 8 skills Google definitely wants its tech talent to master to get started:

Mastering the Foundation
Since resumes alone don't get jobs, you have to be able to get through an introduction to computer science course, like the ones offered from Udacity or Coursera.

Learn To Code
Coding skills are in high demand, with coding jobs paying significantly more than the average position. An understanding of at least one programming language makes an impressive addition to land an engineer job at Google.

Test Your Code
Modern trends and webapps have dramatically changed the way web developers can build. So in order to track, obviously you need some type of IDE to code new files and save them for deployment. Since Google wants its engineering hires to be able to catch bugs, create tests, and break through software, it’s important that you hone these skills by opting for courses from Udacity.

Have Some Background in Abstract Math
People with a heavy abstract thinking is absolutely a skill that every employers needs and Google precisely. Individuals who can hone discrete mathematics skills in computer science and engineering are more likely to land a job at Google because the subject mainly emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs as well as applicable methods.

Understand Algorithms and Data Structures
Google wants its new hires to learn about fundamental data types like stacks, queues, and bags, as well as grasp sorting algorithms like quicksort, mergesort, and heapsort. MIT provides the recommended online resources, and the book "The Algorithm Design Manual" which would be super helpful, too.

Get To Know Operating Systems
As an engineer that is where you do much of your work. So it’s important to get to know the operating system it uses. If you think of your files and programs, the operating system is like the foundation and it’s equally vital for individuals to know everything or would fail to land a Job at Google.

Artificial Intelligence
As Google loves robots, become familiar with artificial intelligence is a key to land a job in a company like Google.
The purpose of this learning is to introduce individuals to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. In essence, the material treated in this learning is a brief survey of relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, and control, which will help individuals to master the skill in-depth.

Learn How to Build Compilers
You can head to Cousera, where it offers learning about the major ideas used today in the implementation of programming language compilers. In addition individuals will also learn how a program written in a high-level language is systematically translated into a program written in low-level assembly language.
