Want more reviews on your app? Here’s how you can double your digits

Want more reviews on
your app? Here’s how you can double your digits You might ponder whether reviews truly matter with regards to your app… Let's bounce straight to the conclusion and say yes, it does matter. This article will guide you through tips to increase mobile app reviews.

Online reviews, in general, are extremely critical; they can represent the moment of truth of a business. Reviews are a piece of a consumer's online research efforts, and the opinions of others can directly influence your business. At the end of the day, reviews assume a noteworthy part in individuals' purchasing decisions

Ask and you'll get it

The speediest, easiest approach to get an app review from someone is to ask them to do it within your app. There are a number of turnkey plugins accessible for iOS and Android that make it drop-dead simple to prompt the user to review your app.



If you have as of late built up a gaming app, odds are the players need to achieve certain levels keeping in mind the end goal to gain points or prizes. Offer your players an opportunity to hop ahead a couple levels with extra coins, mystery codes opens, or different freebies, in return for taking a moment and leaving a review. Most are so grateful for the freebie that the review normally accompanies an exceptionally positive tone. This is unquestionably a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Don’t Interrupt

Despite the fact that it is an awesome approach to utilize review prompts, it is similarly critical that it ought not to intrude on the user experience. You need to time the prompt without disturbing the natural flow of your user. The most ideal approach to ask for a review is to wait till your user has accomplished a planned task inside your app.