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A New Crowdfunding Site Wants You To Help Build The Hyperloop

Aug 30, 2013, 05:19 IST

Tesla Motors/ScreenshotArtist conception of the HyperloopEarlier this month, Elon Musk revealed his plans for the Hyperloop, a fantastical new transportation system that's faster and cheaper than a high-speed train.


But Musk also said that between running his two companies, SpaceX and Telsa, he wouldn't be working on Hyperloop himself.

Enter a Kickstarter-like startup called JumpStartFund. With Musk's permission, it's founders say, it has set itself up as Hyperloop headquarters, reports CNET's Nick Statt.

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It wants to be the central place to crowdsource the design of Hyperloop and then, with luck, crowdsource the funding, too.

Musk's estimates the first Hyperloop will cost $7.5 billion to build.


That's more doable than it sounds. JumpStartFund just needs every man, woman and child in the United States, all 314 million of us, to kick in $25.

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