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A-Rod Arrives At First Game On One Of The Craziest Days In MLB History

Aug 6, 2013, 04:59 IST

In one of the crazier days in Major League Baseball history, Alex Rodriguez has been suspended for 211 games and will also play his first game of the year.


After learning of his suspension, Rodriguez was activated from the disabled list (ironically, taking the place of Francisco Cervelli, who was also suspended today). That led to a whirlwind afternoon that started at the team hotel in Chicago and culminated in Rodriguez addressing the media at U.S. Cellular Field.

The circus started shortly after the Yankees boarded the team bus for the ride over to the stadium. Rodriguez, staying in the same hotel, did not take the bus. Instead, he took a Cadillac sedan with a driver. He did wave to the crowd gathered outside the hotel...


He then received a personal escort to the Yankees locker room with the media chasing him...


Comcast Sportsnet

He eventually took the field for batting practice, where he greeted White Sox manager Robin Ventura...

Comcast Sportsnet

Inside, the media was waiting patiently for the fallen star to speak...



Eventually, Rodriguez showed and told the media that the "last seven months have been a nightmare, probably the worst time of my life."

Comcast Sportsnet

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