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All Of These Elite Groups Don't Have Any Women

Apr 18, 2013, 22:20 IST

100 Percent MenThere's a Tumblr, 100 Percent Men, circulating right now that highlights all the organizations that are led, and have historically been led by only men.


Created by Lydia DePillis, a staff writer at the New Republic, the site is meant to bring awareness to how far our society is from true gender equality. DePillis doesn't offer much commentary, beyond a description at the top of the site: "Corners of the world where women have yet to tread. Shine a light."

Rebecca Greenfield at The Atlantic writes that "DePillis says she had 'no proactive intent' when creating the site, the natural order of things suggests awareness will facilitate change."

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg discussed the issue of gender equality in her controversial book, "Lean In." Sandberg has been outspoken about how we're in a "stalled revolution" for women, and points out in her book that currently women hold 16 percent of board seats and only 21 of Fortune 500 CEOs are women.

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