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An Early Version Of Samsung's Next Galaxy Phone Might Have Just Leaked

Jan 29, 2015, 19:24 IST

Phone ArenaThis may be an early prototype of the Galaxy S6

We've been hearing for months that Samsung may be designing the Galaxy S6 "from scratch," but now we might have a better idea of what that actually means. Blog Phone Arena published a photo that reportedly shows an early prototype of the Galaxy S6.


The shape of the phone is rounded similar to that of the Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S4, but its back panel appears to be different. It's hard to tell exactly what it's made of, but it doesn't look like the same glossy plastic we've seen on Samsung's older phones or the dimpled rear panel on the Galaxy S5. It actually looks a bit nicer than Samsung's previous Galaxy S devices.

The phone's edges appear to be made of metal just like those on the Galaxy Alpha and Galaxy Note 4, too.

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The photo was sent to Phone Arena by an anonymous reader, so there's reason to be skeptical, but the blog does note that the camera placement does match that of Galaxy S6 cases that leaked recently.

Even if the photo is accurate, it's possible that the final product will look much different since this is supposedly an early prototype.


We're expecting to learn more about the Galaxy S6 in early March during Mobile World Congress, where Samsung usually announces its product lineup for the first half of the year.

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