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Another Smartphone Operating System? HTC Is Creating Its Own Platform

Aug 30, 2013, 01:49 IST

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Steve Kovach, Business Insider

HTC Is Making Its Own OS For The Chinese Market (The Next Web)
HTC is looking to diversify its product mix in the midst of struggling handset sales. They will create a mobile operating system that will be optimized for Chinese mobile apps like Sina Weibo. Reports are unsure whether the OS will be wholly proprietary, but it's likely that it will be built around Android. Read >

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Apple Acquires Mobile Media And Data Compression Startup (TechCrunch)
Apple just acquired Swedish startup Algotrim, which designs solutions for mobile media and data compression, allowing for rich video, imaging, and graphics performance on mobile devices without sacrificing memory space. Apple may use the technology to enhance mobile media efficiency on their future devices. Read >



Facebook Global Mobile Ad Market Share Jumps to 15.8% (eMarketer)
Facebook will account for about 15.8% of total global mobile advertising spend in 2013, which is up from 5.4% in 2012. Facebook siphoned mobile ad revenue primarily from bottom-feeding companies, as the market shares of each of the other top players mostly stood pat since last year. Google, meanwhile, continues to dominate mobile advertising with a 53% market share, thanks to its paid search prowess. Read >

Successful Retailers Are Still Struggling As E-Commerce Ventures (Wall Street Journal)
The Wall Street Journal surveys the past decade of Internet retailing for giant retail outlets like Wal-Mart and Best Buy, showing that despite continued e-commerce growth, these retailers are struggling to make Internet sales a big part of their business. Read >

Tracking FitBit's Next Steps (Inc.)
FitBit CEO James Park talked to Inc. about how the company will utilize its recent $43 million round of funding to ensure its next steps toward growth. Park also touches on his thoughts regarding the looming competition from a crowd of new smartwatches. Read >

With One Foot Already In The Auto Industry, Nokia Will Try To Get A Leg Up On A Connected Car (GigaOm)
Nokia is already a significant player in the auto industry as it supplies maps and navigation systems for a number of cars. Now, Nokia exec Michael Halbherr discusses how Nokia wants to leverage its strong auto industry partnerships to venture quickly into the connected car market. Read >

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