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Arianna Huffington reveals one fundamental truth about media today

Nov 22, 2016, 19:15 IST

Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

When it comes to the future of the digital, who's more of an expert than Arianna Huffington?

The Huffington Post took the media world by storm in 2005, creating a shining example of the success that digital outlets can achieve.

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But Huffington's interest in the digital world isn't just limited to news. In August, the media mogul moved on to a different project, launching Thrive Global.

Focused on health and wellness, Thrive aims to stomp out employee burnout once and for all.


It's a necessary and noble project in this fast-paced internet age, where forgoing sleep and working to the point of exhaustion is often considered acceptable.

At this year's IGNITION, we're excited to hear Huffington's thoughts on how the way we work has changed and how Thrive Global can improve wellness. Business Insider's annual flagship conference will take place December 5-7 at the Time Warner Center in New York City.

Other speakers include NextVR's Brad Allen, CNBC's Julia Boorstin, and LucasFilm's Mickey Capoferri.

Don't miss your chance - buy your ticket today!


NOW WATCH: Arianna Huffington destroys the macho 'no sleep' mentality

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