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Big, Beautiful Pictures Of What The iPhone 6 Might Look Like

Oct 30, 2013, 18:22 IST

Nikola Cirkovic

Even though Apple released its new iPhones - the 5S and the 5C - in September, there is already speculation that the next release, the iPhone 6, will be even better.


We've heard rumors of a bigger screen (in particular, one that's either 4.8 or 6 inches), and that the new iPhone might be out sooner than expected (as soon next summer).

Well, we've just spotted some theoretical mark-ups of the iPhone 6 that caught our attention. Nikola Cirkovic, an engineer at the CIRPIS Center of Kragujevac, Serbia, created the spec renderings and posted them on GrabCad.

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Like the theorized model, Cirkovic's iPhone 6 has a wide, edge-to-edge screen that would be larger than the iPhone 5's. The device is thinner too: only 5.3 mm instead of the current 7.6 mm.

Cirkovic has rendered the design the device in both space gray and silver.


What, no gold?

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