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CHART: Netflix Sees Rates Of Tablet Video Streaming Triple In A Year, And Phone Streaming Double

Sep 25, 2013, 23:45 IST

Video streaming is going mobile.


The trend is strongest among Netflix subscribers. In 2012, only 5% of Netflix subscribers said they streamed content on an iPad, according to Nielsen. A year later, this percentage tripled to 15%. The trend is nearly identical for subscribers using other tablet brands.

And the relatively small screens on smartphones don't seem to pose a problem for video streamers. Among Netflix subscribers, the percentage streaming to their phones exploded from 11% to 23%. For Hulu Plus subscribers, the jump was also significant, from 10% in 2012 to 17% this year.

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At BI Intelligence, Business Insider's paid subscription service, we recently analyzed over 15 datasets culled from a variety of sources to track how mobile devices are creating a new video ecosystem with tablets and smartphones, instead of TV, at the center. We published our insights in two recent reports, "Mobile Video - Mobile's Big Monetization Opportunity As Audiences Boom," and "Mobile Video Poised To Explode With The Aggressive Rollout Of 4G LTE."

Subscribers also gain access to over 100 in-depth reports and hundreds of charts and datasets on the mobile industry, and our ongoing coverage of mobile video.



These stats are another sign that as dominant as TV seems now, phones and tablets can't be underestimated as video playback devices.

(Hulu plus recently reported 4 million paying subscribers in the first quarter of 2013, and Netflix has 30 million in the U.S.)

Meanwhile, the PC has begun to fade as a delivery channel for streaming video, although it is still a far more common playback device than mobile gadgets. The PC fade was most pronounced among Hulu Plus subscribers. Sixty-one percent of Hulu Plus subscribers said they used their PCs for streaming in 2012. By contrast only 43% reported using PCs in 2013.

To access BI Intelligence's full reports,"Mobile Video - Mobile's Big Monetization Opportunity As Audiences Boom," and "Mobile Video Poised To Explode With The Aggressive Rollout Of 4G LTE," sign up for a free trial subscription here. Subscribers also gain access to over 100 in-depth reports on social and mobile, and hundreds of charts and datasets.

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