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CONSERVATIVE MP: The BBC should play the national anthem every day

Nov 3, 2016, 15:56 IST

Getty Images


A Conservative MP has called for the national anthem to be played "at the end of each day's programming" on BBC1, in a motion submitted for debate in parliament.

Andrew Rosindell, the MP for Romford, tabled the so-called early day motion saying "this proud British tradition should be reinstated before the end of 2016, in honour of Her Majesty's 90th birthday."

"The British Broadcasting Corporation should be unashamedly British and playing our British National Anthem once a day on BBC1 is not much to ask," Rosindell, who is also chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Flags and Heraldry Committee, told the Telegraph in an interview.

The BBC abandoned the practice of playing God Save the Queen daily in 1997. A total of four MPs, including Rosindell himself, have signed the motion.


British politics has seen a surge of nationalist sentiment since the Brexit vote to leave the European Union in June.

Peter Whittle, a UKIP leadership candidate and London assembly member said all UK schools should display a Union Jack and a picture of the Queen on Monday. Last month, Conservative MP Jake Berry called for the return of the Royal Yacht Britannia to help the UK strike trade deals.

While early day motions are formal motions submitted for debate in the House of Commons, "very few are actually debated," according to the parliament's own website. "EDMs allow MPs to draw attention to an event or cause. MPs register their support by signing individual motions," according to the website.

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