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Designers create Ikea instructions for Trump's $20 billion border wall

Feb 6, 2017, 22:07 IST

The Pastillon

Assembling an Ikea bookshelf may be difficult, but designers from the satirical site The Pastillon have envisioned Ikea instructions for a project that looks truly back-breaking: Trump's border wall.


They created a tongue-in-cheek ad for a "Börder Wåll," making fun of Trump's real-life proposal.

Less than a week after Inauguration Day, Trump reiterated his plans on Twitter to build a 1,900-milelong wall along the US-Mexico border. Construction could cost American taxpayers an estimated $15 billion to $25 billion, though Trump says Mexico would eventually pay for the wall through taxes or trade. Maintenance and hiring 21,000 border-patrol agents could cost an additional $2.1 billion a year, according to CNBC and an analysis by Politico.

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From that perspective, the designers are offering their fake flat-pack wall for a bargain: $9,999,999,999.99. Inside, the presumably very large box would include 471,612 boards, 313,329 rounds of barbed wire, 5,659,344 screws, and a single allen wrench.

Next to the picture of the assembly materials, there's a person facing the wall with a confused look on its face. Building the Börder Wåll seems like would be more than a one-person job.


NOW WATCH: Mexican architects visualized Trump's proposed $25 billion wall to show how unrealistic it would be

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