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Donald Trump just stunned political observers by ejecting a prominent Univision anchor from his press conference

Aug 26, 2015, 04:54 IST

Donald Trump publicly booted a prominent reporter from a news conference.


During an appearance before Trump's speech in Iowa, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos asked Trump a question about the Republican front-runner's plan to deport all immigrants living in the US. Trump immediately stonewalled him, repeating "You weren't called," suggesting that Ramos was speaking out of turn.

"Go back to Univision," Trump said. "Sit down, you weren't called."

Ramos was removed from the event as he continued to ask his question.


Reporters immediately asked Trump why Ramos had been removed from the event.


CNN's Noah Gray reported that Ramos later returned to his seat, and finish his question. Ramos pushed the real estate magnate on his controversial immigration plan, as well as Trump's assertion that he "win the Latino vote," despite his imflammatory statements about immigrants.

Trump has frequently slammed the network since it decided to pull his Miss Universe pageant from its airwaves earlier this year. Univision cited Trump's derogatory comments that the Mexican government was sending "rapists" and drug-runners across the border. 

The incident isn't likely to help Trump's perceptions among Latino and Hispanic voters, who already dislike the reality television star more than any other candidate in the Republican field.



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