68 details you might have missed in the final season of 'Game of Thrones'

68 details you might have missed in the final season of 'Game of Thrones'
  • Warning: Spoilers ahead for all aired episodes of HBO's "Game of Thrones" season eight.
  • Insider has created a mega-list of every reference and smaller moment you might not have noticed on "Game of Thrones" season eight.

After nearly 10 years and eight complete seasons of HBO's biggest series in history, "Game of Thrones" has come to an end. The final six episodes contain many references and layers of meaning, from callbacks to the pilot or scenes inspired by George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" books.

Keep reading for a look at the most significant details on "Game of Thrones" season eight.


Season eight's opening credits sequence was changed to tell a new story.

Season eight's opening credits sequence was changed to tell a new story.
The opening credits for "Game of Thrones" had a new animation on season eight. HBO

Previously the astrolabe device had bands of artwork showing Robert's Rebellion and other historic tales known far and wide in Westeros.

Now it starts with the most recent cataclysmic event on the continent: The Night King bringing down the Wall at Eastwatch by the Sea.

You can see a row of the Army of the Dead in the lower right corner and birds flying off from the top left side which represent both the Night's Watch fleeing and the ravens which Bran skinchanges into.

Now three dramatic events are shown on the astrolabe: The Wall's breach, the Red Wedding, and the birth of Daenerys' dragons.

Now three dramatic events are shown on the astrolabe: The Wall's breach, the Red Wedding, and the birth of Daenerys' dragons.
The opening credits for "Game of Thrones" had a new animation on season eight. HBO

On this band, a dead wolf (Lady Catelyn) hangs from the towers of the Twins (House Frey's castle) while a Flayed Man (House Bolton) holds up another wolf's head (King Robb Stark).

To the left, a lion (Tywin Lannister) holds a fish in its jaws (House Tully).


The last motif shows Daenerys Targaryen's dragons being hatched from their fossilized eggs.

The last motif shows Daenerys Targaryen's dragons being hatched from their fossilized eggs.
The opening credits for "Game of Thrones" had a new animation on season eight. HBO

The birth of three dragons was the closest thing to a miracle most people in the world had seen in a long while. Unfortunately now the Night King has used one of those dragons to attack the realm of men, but Daenerys and Jon Snow won't go down without a fight.

Read more: A closer look at every new change in the 'Game of Thrones' opening credits you might have missed

Which brings us to the premiere episode's actual opening, showing Daenerys and Jon arriving to Winterfell.

Which brings us to the premiere episode's actual opening, showing Daenerys and Jon arriving to Winterfell.
A young boy watches the army marching in. HBO

This introductory scene was a callback to the pilot episode of "Game of Thrones," when King Robert and the royal party visited Winterfell.

The young boy climbing up the tree was a direct reference to Bran Stark scaling the castle walls for a better look at the coming guests.

Most important of all, the "Game of Thrones" composer Ramin Djawadi wrote a new iteration of a soundtrack piece we haven't heard since that first pilot episode, called "The King's Arrival." That musical cue added to the familiarity of the opening sequence.


Arya also repeated parts of her experience with royal arrivals in Winterfell.

Arya also repeated parts of her experience with royal arrivals in Winterfell.
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark on "Game of Thrones" season eight, episode one, "Winterfell." HBO

Back on the pilot, Arya also stood outside the walls of the castle and watched the royal party trot into town.

She specifically noticed Sandor "The Hound" Clegane back then.

She specifically noticed Sandor "The Hound" Clegane back then.
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark on "Game of Thrones." HBO

On the season eight premiere, Arya looked rightfully less excited at the sight of Sandor Clegane among Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen's retinue.


The Winterfell welcome party is also drastically different all these years later.

The Winterfell welcome party is also drastically different all these years later.
The highborn people gathered to greet Daenerys. HBO

Just as King Robert presented Cersei Lannister to the Starks on season one, Jon Snow introduced Daenerys Targaryen to the lords and ladies in Winterfell.

This time Sansa and Bran Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, Maester Wolkan, Lyanna Mormont, and Lord Yohn Royce made up the greeting crew.

Here's how House Stark welcomed their last royal visitor:

Here's how House Stark welcomed their last royal visitor:
The welcome party at Winterfell on season one. HBO

Bran and Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, and Jon Snow are the only four people in this photo who survived past season three. Jory, Robb Stark, Ned Stark, Maester Luwin, Catelyn Stark, Ser Rodrik, and Rickon were all murdered or executed.

Let's hope the welcome party from season eight has better survival odds.


Jon greeted Bran with a kiss on top of his head — mirroring the exact way he said goodbye to him back on season one.

Jon greeted Bran with a kiss on top of his head — mirroring the exact way he said goodbye to him back on season one.
Bran is no longer the same person Jon once knew. HBO

On season one, episode two, "The Kingsroad," Jon said goodbye to Bran before heading to the Wall. Though Bran was in a coma and couldn't hear him, Jon made his younger brother (well, cousin) some promises.

"We can go out walking beyond the Wall if you're not afraid," Jon said.

"We can go out walking beyond the Wall if you're not afraid," Jon said.
Jon, Bran, and Catelyn on season one. HBO

This goodbye scene was one of the first times an iconic piece of "Game of Thrones" music was played. The track, titled "Goodbye Brother," is the basis for what you'll recognize on the show as the general House Stark theme music that plays during any significant scenes with Arya, Sansa, Bran, and Jon.


When Jon and Arya finally reunited, their hug mirrored the way they last parted ways.

When Jon and Arya finally reunited, their hug mirrored the way they last parted ways.
Kit Harington as Jon Snow on "Game of Thrones" season eight, episode one, "Winterfell." HBO

They embraced as Jon picked Arya up off her feet, in the same way he hugged her after gifting her with Needle on season one, episode two, "The Kingsroad."

Read more: 'Game of Thrones' finally brought Jon and Arya back together, but the reunion was tinged with a threat of discord

These over-the-shoulder shots were pitch perfect.

These over-the-shoulder shots were pitch perfect.
This camera angle from season one was repeated on Sunday's season eight premiere. HBO

Arya named her sword Needle during her hug with Jon on season one. But this time when they embraced, Arya was warning Jon not to forget that she and Sansa are his family.


Jon Snow rode his first dragon, and the one he hopped on was named after his father.

Jon Snow rode his first dragon, and the one he hopped on was named after his father.
Kit Harington as Jon Snow on "Game of Thrones" season eight, episode one, "Winterfell." HBO

Daenerys named her dragons after three important men in her life: Khal Drogo > Drogon, Viserys > Viserion, and Rhaegar > Rhaegal.

Viserion was killed last season and belonged to the Night King, and Daenerys has always had a strong preference for Drogon. So that left Rhaegal, the greenish beast named after Jon Snow's father (though Jon had no idea at the time), as Jon's ride for the afternoon.

Jon and Daenerys had a semi-romantic moment by a cave and waterfall.

Jon and Daenerys had a semi-romantic moment by a cave and waterfall.
Jon Snow and Daenerys have an intimate moment on the "Game of Thrones" season eight premiere. HBO

Though Drogon was doing his best to interrupt, Daenerys tried to set an intimate mood with Jon.

"We could stay a thousand years. No one would find us," Daenerys said to the former King in the North.


This was a reference back to Jon's first romantic experience.

This was a reference back to Jon's first romantic experience.
Back on the third season, Jon Snow lost his virginity to Ygritte in a cave with a waterfall and hot spring pool. HBO

"Let's not go back. Let's stay here a while longer," Ygritte told Jon. "I don't ever want to leave this cave, Jon Snow."

On the fourth season, as she died in Jon's arms, Ygritte mentioned the cave once more. It's become a symbol of the rare peace and romance found on "Game of Thrones," and so the invocation of it for Jon and Daenerys' scene was contentious.

Could they really have a happy ending? If their love story is anything like Jon and Ygritte's was, the answer is a sad "no."

Read more: 'Game of Thrones' keeps adding fuel to a popular 'Evil Daenerys' fan theory, but her path forward is more complicated

Toward the end of the episode, we saw Beric and Tormund enter Last Hearth — the castle of House Umber.

Toward the end of the episode, we saw Beric and Tormund enter Last Hearth — the castle of House Umber.
The Umber sigil on a flag at Last Hearth. HBO

One way to tell it was Last Hearth was by the crossed chain sigil of House Umber on the courtyard's banners.


And inside, of course, was the young Lord Umber, killed and pinned to the wall.

And inside, of course, was the young Lord Umber, killed and pinned to the wall.
Lord Ned Umber met a fiery death at Castle Last Hearth on the "Game of Thrones" season eight premiere. HBO

Little Ned Umber had been turned into a wight, and woke up shrieking and writhing until Beric set him on fire.

The flame spread to severed arms that were nailed onto the wall in a familiar spiral pattern.

This pattern is one of the symbols the White Walkers often leave behind.

This pattern is one of the symbols the White Walkers often leave behind.
We last saw this spiral inside the dragonglass caves on Dragonstone. HBO

The rock formation where the Night King was first created was in this spiral shape, so it's likely just a pattern the Night King has chosen to use as his marker.


The opening credits changed slightly again at the start of episode two, this time showing the war preparations at Winterfell.

The opening credits changed slightly again at the start of episode two, this time showing the war preparations at Winterfell.
Winterfell in the credits for season eight, episode two, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms." HBO

While the premiere episode's credits were entirely new, for the second episode there were simple additions.

First, Last Hearth was shown enveloped in the icy-blue tiles that represent the Night King and his Army of the Dead. Then, as seen above, Winterfell was shown battle-ready with the deep trenches built around its border.

Daenerys referred to Tyrion as Jaime's "little brother," nodding to one of the more popular fan theories for the Lannister siblings.

Daenerys referred to Tyrion as Jaime's "little brother," nodding to one of the more popular fan theories for the Lannister siblings.
Daenerys speaking to Tyrion in the great hall of Winterfell. HBO

"Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him," Daenerys said when Tyrion tried to come to Jaime's defense. "Right up until the moment he slits my throat."

In George R.R. Martin's books, the prophecy told to Cersei as a young girl has a third and important part. The woods witch told Cersei, "The valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."


Valonqar means "little brother" in Valyrian, and Cersei interpreted that to mean Tyrion would eventually kill her.

Valonqar means "little brother" in Valyrian, and Cersei interpreted that to mean Tyrion would eventually kill her.
Young Cersei as seen on the fifth season of "Game of Thrones." HBO

But many fans have come around to the idea that Jaime is the real valonqar — he's also her little brother, after all, just by mere minutes.

But the show removed this part of the prophecy back on season five when we were given the flashback of Young Cersei hearing the predictions, so we can't be certain this theory will manifest at all on "Game of Thrones."

Regardless, this episode appeared to make a clear reference to it, if only to stoke the fires of speculation once more.

Read more: Our full breakdown of the Valonqar prophecy and what it could mean for Cersei

Jaime repeated Brienne's argument from the season seven finale when Daenerys asked him to explain his desertion of Cersei.

Jaime repeated Brienne's argument from the season seven finale when Daenerys asked him to explain his desertion of Cersei.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christie as Jaime and Brienne on "Game of Thrones." HBO

When Queen Daenerys still seems doubtful of Jaime's intentions, he turns and looks at Brienne before answering.

"Because this goes beyond loyalty," Jaime said. "This is about survival."


That's very close to what Brienne told Jaime in the dragonpit when she was trying to persuade him to fight with the North.

That's very close to what Brienne told Jaime in the dragonpit when she was trying to persuade him to fight with the North.
Jaime and Brienne on "Game of Thrones" season seven, episode seven, "The Dragon and the Wolf." HBO

"Oh f--- loyalty," Brienne said, much to Jaime's shock. "This goes beyond houses and honor and oaths. Talk to the queen."

It was Jaime's invocation of this sentiment that finally pushed her to stand up and defend Jaime in front of all the Northern lords, Lady Sansa, and Queen Daenerys.

With Jaime and Brienne together, this marked the first time the pieces of Ned Stark's sword had been back in Winterfell since his death.

With Jaime and Brienne together, this marked the first time the pieces of Ned Stark's sword had been back in Winterfell since his death.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christie as Jaime and Brienne on "Game of Thrones." HBO

The ancestral blade of House Stark was a greatsword named Ice. The blade was Valyrian steel, making the metal precious (and one of the rare substances that can kill White Walkers).


The sword was taken by the Lannister when Ned was arrested and later melted into two new blades.

The sword was taken by the Lannister when Ned was arrested and later melted into two new blades.
Ned was executed by Ser Ilyn Payne with his own sword, Ice. HBO

At the start of season two, Tywin Lannister had Ice melted down and forged two new swords from it.

He gave one of these swords to Jaime, who in turn gifted it to Brienne. She named it Oathkeeper. The second sword was given to King Joffrey, who named it Widow's Wail. After Joffrey's death, Jaime took the blade for himself.

Now, for the first time since Ned left Winterfell on season one, episode two, Ice was back in its rightful place of House Stark.

Tyrion repeated a joke we've heard before about how he'd prefer to die.

Tyrion repeated a joke we've heard before about how he'd prefer to die.
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister on "Game of Thrones." HBO

"I always pictured myself dying in my bed, at the age of 80 with a belly full of wine and girl's mouth around my c---," Tyrion told Jaime.

Clearly Tyrion loves this little jest, because Jaime finished his sentence for him.


We heard it the first time back on the first season, when Tyrion was surrounded by the mountain clans in the Vale.

We heard it the first time back on the first season, when Tyrion was surrounded by the mountain clans in the Vale.
Tyrion and Bronn facing down the mountain tribes on season one, episode eight, "The Pointy End." HBO

"How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?" said Shagga, son of Dolf. And Tyrion answered with his typical wit, saying the "belly full of wine" joke again.

The scene on season eight ended on a potentially more terrifying note, when Tyrion said perhaps he'd "march to King's Landing and rip [Cersei] apart" after he was killed. Could this be yet another nod to the "Valonqar" prophecy? Fans would have to wait and see.

Arya and Gendry's flirtatious forge scene was a shot-by-shot recreation of a season two moment between them.

Arya and Gendry's flirtatious forge scene was a shot-by-shot recreation of a season two moment between them.
Arya Stark watching Gendry on season eight versus season two. HBO

When Arya walked up to the forge just as Gendry was starting to work on a weapon, the framing of the shots was identical to a scene from the end of season two, episode five, "The Ghost of Harrenhal."


Here's Gendry, now and then, in the same shot.

Here's Gendry, now and then, in the same shot.
Gendry on season eight versus season two of "Game of Thrones." HBO

The actors Joe Dempsie (Gendry) and Maisie Williams (Arya) have aged along with their characters as the series has filmed over the past decade.

When they first began shooting, Williams was 12 years old. Now, she's 22. Dempsie was about 23 by the time season two rolled around, and now he's 31. Their characters are meant to be much closer in age (about 18 and 23, respectively).

Read more: Fans are divided over Gendry and Arya's sex scene on 'Game of Thrones'

Both Davos and Gilly were visibly moved by the sight of a young girl who reminded them of Princess Shireen Baratheon.

Both Davos and Gilly were visibly moved by the sight of a young girl who reminded them of Princess Shireen Baratheon.
A little Winterfell girl, Ser Davos, and Gilly on "Game of Thrones." HBO

The young girl had burn marks on her face, in the same place where Shireen's greyscale covered her cheek.

Davos thought of Shireen as a daughter and was devastated to learn not only of her death but to hear she was executed by Stannis and Melisandre. Shireen helped both Davos and Gilly learn how to read. We saw the young princess bond with Gilly on season five, when they were both at Castle Black.


The scene was given added emotional weight with an instrumental version of the song Shireen once sang playing in the background.

The scene was given added emotional weight with an instrumental version of the song Shireen once sang playing in the background.
Davos and Shireen with each other for the last time on "Game of Thrones." Helen Sloan/HBO

During a season three scene with Shireen, she was heard singing an eerie ballad called "It's Always Summer Under the Sea."

The melody of that song is the same music heard on the season eight scene when Davos has a visceral reaction to seeing the young Winterfell girl in front of him.

When Arya found out Gendry was a Baratheon, the weight of that revelation added fuel to a fun fan theory.

When Arya found out Gendry was a Baratheon, the weight of that revelation added fuel to a fun fan theory.
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark on "Game of Thrones" season eight. HBO

Back on the pilot episode of "Game of Thrones," Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark spoke in the crypts of Winterfell about their families.

"I have a son — you have a daughter," Robert said. "We'll join our houses."

King Robert was referring to Joffrey and Sansa but, as we soon learned, Joffrey wasn't Robert's son at all but the bastard of Cersei and Jaime.

Fans have spent years hoping that line might foreshadow a romance between Gendry and Arya, the real son and daughter of Robert and Ned. And tonight they got their wish (just sans the arranged betrothal part).


Tyrion and Jaime mention the Siege of Pyke and Whispering Wood, two battles with loaded significance.

Tyrion and Jaime mention the Siege of Pyke and Whispering Wood, two battles with loaded significance.
Tyrion, Davos, and Jaime together by the fire. HBO

Tyrion calls Jaime the "fabled hero of the Siege of Pyke." That fight happened decades before the contemporary events of "Game of Thrones," but Jaime had a meaningful conversation with one of the Stark household soldiers about it on the first season.

On season one, Jaime was standing guard duty when Jory — one of Ned Stark's most trusted men — came to him with a message.

On season one, Jaime was standing guard duty when Jory — one of Ned Stark's most trusted men — came to him with a message.
Jaime and Jory together on "Game of Thrones" season one, episode four, "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things." HBO

The two exchanged pleasantries, and talk turned to the battle at the Siege of Pyke, where they had fought side by side. Jory mentioned how he nearly lost an eye fighting one of the Greyjoy men.


The next time Jaime and Jory saw each other was when Jaime and the Lannister men attacked Ned in the streets of King's Landing.

The next time Jaime and Jory saw each other was when Jaime and the Lannister men attacked Ned in the streets of King's Landing.
Jaime killing Jory as he stares at Ned Stark on season one, episode five, "The Wolf and the Lion." HBO

Jory tried to take Jaime on single-handedly, but Jaime shoved his dagger through Jory's eye, killing him instantly and bringing their earlier conversation around full circle.

Back on our season eight episode, Jaime calls himself the "fabled loser of the battle of Whispering Wood."

Back on our season eight episode, Jaime calls himself the "fabled loser of the battle of Whispering Wood."
Jaime and Theon standing before King Robb Stark on season one, episode nine, "Baelor." HBO

This was the first major battle Robb Stark won. He surprised the Lannister forces and captured Jaime, which eventually led to Jaime's release with Brienne and the loss of his hand.

Given how Jaime-centric Sunday's episode of "Game of Thrones" was, it's fitting for us to be reminded of these two monumental character moments for Jaime. The first is an example of his previous cutthroat loyalty to his family, and the latter shows how far the relationship between House Stark and Lannister has come.


Meanwhile, that emotional knighting ceremony was a deep reference to George R.R. Martin's books.

Meanwhile, that emotional knighting ceremony was a deep reference to George R.R. Martin's books.
Brienne is knighted by Jamie on "Game of Thrones." HBO

In addition to the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, Martin wrote three novellas set in Westeros about 100 years prior to the events of "Game of Thrones."

Each novella follows the tales of a knight called Ser Duncan the Tall and a young Targaryen prince known simply as Egg. Ser Duncan even got name-dropped on the fourth season of "Game of Thrones," when King Joffrey was reading through the White Book of the Kingsguard.

Ser Duncan the Tall is Brienne of Tarth's ancestor.

Ser Duncan the Tall is Brienne of Tarth's ancestor.
Ser Brienne of Tarth in all her glory. Helen Sloan/HBO

After years of fans speculating that the unusually tall Ser Duncan might be one of Brienne's ancestors, Martin seemed to confirmed the theory at a convention in 2016. The three "Dunk and Egg" novellas were packaged into a single book called "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms."

Knowing Brienne's potential shared heritage with the chivalrous Ser Duncan made that incredible knighting ceremony all the more powerful when Jaime said, "Arise, Brienne of Tarth, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms."


The song Podrick sang was pulled straight from the books, and it's known as "Jenny's Song."

The song Podrick sang was pulled straight from the books, and it's known as "Jenny's Song."
Daniel Portman as Podrick on "Game of Thrones" season eight, episode two. HBO

The song, renamed "Jenny of Oldstones" for the show, appears during one of Arya's chapters in "A Song of Ice and Fire." Learn more about the song and its hidden meaning here.

For now, here are the full lyrics to Podrick's version:

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone
Jenny would dance with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most
The ones who'd been gone for so very long
She couldn't remember their names

"They spun her around on the damp old stones
Spun away all her sorrow and pain
And she never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave (x5)"

The version that played as the credits on the episode ran was by Florence and the Machine.

The version that played as the credits on the episode ran was by Florence and the Machine.
Daenerys and Jon Snow on "Game of Thrones." Helen Sloan/HBO

Just after Jon Snow dropped the bombshell news of his parentage on Daenerys, the Night King's army arrived and the episode faded on an ominous note. Watch the lyric video for the Florence and the Machine version of "Jenny of Oldstones" here.


At the start of episode three, yet more small changes were made to the opening credits.

At the start of episode three, yet more small changes were made to the opening credits.
The Winterfell credits shot for season eight, episode three. HBO

At the start of episode three, the Army of the Dead was right outside of Winterfell.

Just as predicted, the blue tiles crept all the way up to the grounds of House Stark's beloved castle by the beginning of the third episode, "The Long Night."

The Winterfell crypts were also changed slightly for episode three's opening.

The Winterfell crypts were also changed slightly for episode three's opening.
The Winterfell crypts on season eight, episode three's opening. HBO

For the first two episodes, the sweeping shot of the crypts showed flickering torches lining the hallway.

On episode three's shot, the torches start going out at the end of the hallway. This was an early signal that the Army of the Dead would inflict its horror on the people inside the crypts, too.


Alys Karstark was with Bran and Theon Greyjoy at the start of the battle, which means she's most likely dead.

Alys Karstark was with Bran and Theon Greyjoy at the start of the battle, which means she's most likely dead.
The episode opened with a shot of Alys, Theon, and other soldiers heading to the godswood. HBO

We can pretty confidently add Lady Alys Karstark to the list of characters who were killed during the battle, since Theon was left standing alone in front of Bran by the time the Night King showed up.

Read more: All the 'Game of Thrones' characters who died in the Battle at Winterfell

Alys didn't have any speaking lines this season but was shown on the first two episodes.

Alys didn't have any speaking lines this season but was shown on the first two episodes.
Alys Karstark and Ned Umber back on the sixth season finale. HBO

She and little Ned Umber were the two young highborns whom Jon Snow pardoned after the Battle of the Bastards (their fathers each fought for the Boltons). Ned was killed by the Night King on the eighth season premiere.

The deaths of both Alys and Ned mark the end of two great Northern houses. Though Winterfell survived the battle, the North has clearly been weakened in the fight.


The spell Melisandre used to light the Dothraki's arakhs on fire is similar to the one used by Beric Dondarrion.

The spell Melisandre used to light the Dothraki's arakhs on fire is similar to the one used by Beric Dondarrion.
The Dothraki's swords, also called arakhs, aflame before the battle. HBO

Melisandre showed up just before the war against the Army of the Dead got started, and she used a Valyrian spell to ignite the blades of all the Dothraki horseriders.

Part of her spell included the phrase "āeksiō ōños," which means "lord's light" (as in the Red God or Lord of Light himself: R'hllor).

We know this thanks to Richard Dormer, the actor who plays Beric.

We know this thanks to Richard Dormer, the actor who plays Beric.
Dormer said Beric's firesword was also ignited using the power of R'hllor. Helen Sloan/HBO

Dormer has said Beric uses that same Valyrian spell to ignite his sword, but he doesn't even have to say the words.

The language creator David J. Peterson, who crafted the Valyrian and Dothraki phrases for the series, shared a translation of the incantation used by Melisandre on his website.

Here's what she was saying in Valyrian: "Āeksios Ōño, aōhos ōñoso ilōn jehikās! Āeksios Ōño, ilōn misās! Kesrio syt bantis zābrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys!"

And the English translation: "Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!"


Some of the last words Edd Tollett said to Sam Tarly was an echo of their season-three encounter with the Army of the Dead.

Some of the last words Edd Tollett said to Sam Tarly was an echo of their season-three encounter with the Army of the Dead.
RIP Edd. Now his watch has ended. HBO

Just before he was killed by a wight, Edd told Sam he needed to get up from the ground.

Early on season three, Sam, Edd, and the rest of the Night's Watch were fleeing from a White Walker attack when Sam collapsed to his knees, unable to go on anymore.

Edd and Grenn stopped and encouraged Sam to get up because he'd die if he didn't move.

Edd and Grenn stopped and encouraged Sam to get up because he'd die if he didn't move.
Edd and Grenn on season three, episode two, "Dark Wings, Dark Words." HBO

Edd survived the Fist of the First Men, the battle of Castle Black (where Grenn met his death at the hands of a giant), Hardhome, and the Night King's attack on the Wall.

Unfortunately Edd's watch ended at the Battle of Winterfell.

Read more: Every character who survived the battle, including Ghost and Daenerys' 2 dragons Rhaegal and Drogon


Wights threw themselves off the castle walls, harking back to the season five battle episode, "Hardhome."

Wights threw themselves off the castle walls, harking back to the season five battle episode, "Hardhome."
Wights hurling themselves from Winterfell's ramparts into the courtyard. HBO

Sunday's episode, "The Long Night," was directed by Miguel Sapochnik.

Sapochnik made his mark on "Game of Thrones" back on the fifth season when he helmed Jon Snow's showdown versus the Night King at Hardhome.

On "Hardhome," one of the most striking moments was when the Night King had thousands of wights fling themselves off a cliff.

On "Hardhome," one of the most striking moments was when the Night King had thousands of wights fling themselves off a cliff.
The wights at Hardhome. HBO

They all crashed at the foot of the mountain but then immediately cracked their heads up and continued running. That was the moment when Jon Snow (and Edd) decided to bail on any effort of fighting, which led to his iconic first staredown with the Night King.


Arya passed along Jon Snow's fighting advice to Sansa (even though her sister didn't appear to learn the lesson).

Arya passed along Jon Snow's fighting advice to Sansa (even though her sister didn't appear to learn the lesson).
This was a very familiar line to anyone who has rewatched the series or read the books. HBO

When Sansa told Arya she didn't know how to use the dragonglass dagger, Arya simply said: "Stick 'em with the pointy end."

This was precisely what Jon Snow told her back on season one, episode two, when he gifted Needle to her before they said goodbye.

"First lesson," Jon told Arya. "Stick 'em with the pointy end."

"First lesson," Jon told Arya. "Stick 'em with the pointy end."
Jon Snow and Arya on season one of "Game of Thrones." HBO

This line is particularly iconic in George R.R. Martin's book series, because Arya thinks back to it at several points. The show even named a season-one episode after this line, in which Arya kills her first person (a young stable boy).

Martin also used this line back in 2010 as the title of a blog post announcing Maisie Williams had been cast in the role of Arya Stark.

Unfortunately Sansa didn't put the advice into practice down in the crypts.


Arya's first encounter with the wight army led to a throwback fight move she used on the sixth season with the Waif.

Arya's first encounter with the wight army led to a throwback fight move she used on the sixth season with the Waif.
Arya fighting against a wight with her spear. HBO

When Arya first fought a group of wights on the ramparts of Winterfell, she was using her new dragonglass-tipped spear in fight choreography that mimicked her season-six training with the Faceless Men.

Back when she was training, Arya had a triumphant moment when she stopped the Waif's staff in this same position.

Back when she was training, Arya had a triumphant moment when she stopped the Waif's staff in this same position.
Arya was blind when she first started training with her staff. HBO

To highlight this callback on Sunday's episode, a variant of Arya's theme music (a track called "Needle") by Ramin Djawadi played as she used the same move on a wight.

Read more: How Arya killing the Night King at the Battle of Winterfell was foreshadowed last season


The little girl who promised to protect Gilly and the others was briefly seen inside the crypt, though she didn't do any fighting.

The little girl who promised to protect Gilly and the others was briefly seen inside the crypt, though she didn't do any fighting.
The young Winterfell girl had said she wanted to protect people. HBO

This young girl was part of an important scene on last week's episode, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," when she reminded both Ser Davos and Gilly of the now-dead Princess Shireen.

As with Sansa, it was a bit strange to know there was a person down in the crypts prepared to fight but never took the chance. Once the tombs broke open and the dead emerged, all heck broke loose and we didn't catch sight of the young girl again.

When the Night King resurrected all the corpses, a familiar Dothraki man named Qhono was among their ranks.

When the Night King resurrected all the corpses, a familiar Dothraki man named Qhono was among their ranks.
Qhono's corpse reanimated by the Night King. HBO

Qhono, Edd, and Lady Lyanna Mormont were all shown reopening their eyes when the Night King used his powers to raise the dead.


Qhono was one of the Dothraki who took Daenerys prisoner at very end of the sixth season, but he went on to serve as her guard.

Qhono was one of the Dothraki who took Daenerys prisoner at very end of the sixth season, but he went on to serve as her guard.
Qhono and Tyrion Lannister on "Game of Thrones" season seven. HBO

He was present when Jon Snow first arrived to Dragonstone and at the "Spoils of War" battle on season seven.

Theon's final moments in the godswood had a poignant connection to a key chapter in the book series.

Theon's final moments in the godswood had a poignant connection to a key chapter in the book series.
Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy on "Game of Thrones." HBO

Martin has so far published only five of his planned seven books in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. In the last published chapters told from Theon's perspective, he's only just barely breaking out of his tormented "Reek" persona.

Theon ponders death as "the sweetest deliverance he could hope for" and also thinks about Winterfell as his home. "Not a true home, but the best I ever knew," he says to himself.

Theon wanders around Winterfell and finds himself in the godswood, where he speaks with the weirwood tree there.

"Please. A sword, that's all I ask," he says. "Let me die as Theon, not as Reek."


In the books at this same time, Bran is still beyond the Wall and learning to use his powers.

In the books at this same time, Bran is still beyond the Wall and learning to use his powers.
Bran Stark using his skinchanging powers on "Game of Thrones." HBO

Theon in the books thinks he sees Bran's face in the weirwood tree and hears whispers on the wind. This was most likely Bran using his greensight powers through the weirwood tree.

Though the events that lead Theon to the godswood are very different from his arc in Martin's book, the moment when Bran tells Theon that Winterfell is his "home" too had extra meaning for people familiar with the book series.

Theon's manner of death is a callback to the rousing speech he once gave at Winterfell.

Theon's manner of death is a callback to the rousing speech he once gave at Winterfell.
The Night King killed Theon Greyjoy in the godswood. HBO

After seeing how outnumbered he was, Theon opted for a hero's death as he charged at the Night King with a spear.

The Night King easily deflected the blow and in turn stabbed Theon right through the belly.


Back on the second season finale, Theon delivered a rallying speech to the Iron Born about the "Battle of Winterfell."

Back on the second season finale, Theon delivered a rallying speech to the Iron Born about the "Battle of Winterfell."
Theon on season two of "Game of Thrones." HBO

After Theon took Winterfell from Bran, the Boltons came to reclaim the castle in the name of Robb Stark. Seeing he was surrounded, Theon thought they'd make a stand against the army outside Winterfell's walls.

"We die today brothers," Theon said to his men. "We die bleeding from a hundred wounds, with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts. But our war cries will echo through eternity. They will sing about the Battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves. Every man, woman, and child will know who we were and how long we stood."

Theon was promptly knocked out and betrayed by those men, but his speech takes on more weight now that we know how Theon will be a legendary part of the real Battle of Winterfell.

Arya's surprise dagger-flip move was similar to one she pulled on Brienne last season, as well as a nod to Maisie Williams being right-handed.

Arya's surprise dagger-flip move was similar to one she pulled on Brienne last season, as well as a nod to Maisie Williams being right-handed.
Arya Stark facing down the Night King. HBO

In what was one of the biggest surprises "Game of Thrones" has delivered in awhile, Arya leaped at the Night King and was almost thwarted. He turned, grabbed her by the arm and neck, and seemed close to squeezing the life out of her.

But then Arya dropped her Valyrian steel dagger from her left hand, and caught it in her right hand. She stabbed the blade into his chest, instantly killing him and therefore the entire Army of the Dead.


Back on season seven, Arya trained with Brienne and the two came to a draw after Arya flipped her dagger from one hand into the other.

Back on season seven, Arya trained with Brienne and the two came to a draw after Arya flipped her dagger from one hand into the other.
Arya and Brienne's fight was a masterclass in choreography. HBO

In addition to Arya and Brienne's training, we think the left-to-right switcheroo is a fun nod to Maisie Williams' experience of playing Arya Stark left-handed.

Arya is a lefty in George R.R. Martin's books, and when 12-year-old Williams got the part she wanted to fully commit to the character.

"I'm right-handed, and when Mom was reading the first book, she told me about Arya being left-handed," Williams told TV Guide in 2011. "From then on, I was like, 'All right, I'm going to try to do everything left-handed.'"

And she did indeed learn most of the fight choreography left-handed, which makes her big final heroic Arya act all the more fun because she was able to show off her acquired ambidextrous skills.

Arya stabbed the Night King in the exact spot where dragonglass was shoved into his chest by the Children of the Forest.

Arya stabbed the Night King in the exact spot where dragonglass was shoved into his chest by the Children of the Forest.
Arya killing the Night King on "Game of Thrones." HBO

Arya was fast on the draw and found weakness in the Night King's armor right where it mattered the most.

Read more: 9 'Game of Thrones' characters that were recast, including the Night King


The showrunners said only Valyrian steel stabbed in that exact spot could have killed the Night King.

The showrunners said only Valyrian steel stabbed in that exact spot could have killed the Night King.
The flashback shown on season six of "Game of Thrones." HBO

"We knew it had to be Valyrian steel, to the exact spot where the Child of the Forest put the blade to create the Night King," David Benioff said in HBO's "Inside the Episode" segment. "And he's uncreated by the Valyrian steel."

Arya's Valyrian steel dagger was given to her by Bran in that same godswood location last season. That scene itself was loaded with foreshadowing of Arya's fated Night King encounter.

Davos was drawing a dagger so he could kill Melisandre before she allowed herself to die.

Davos was drawing a dagger so he could kill Melisandre before she allowed herself to die.
Davos in "The Long Night." HBO

When they last saw each other, Davos had just discovered the truth about Melisandre burning Princess Shireen alive. Jon Snow banished her from the North with the caveat that she would be "hanged as murderer" if she ever returned, and Davos promised to carry out the sentence himself.

He allowed her to stay and help their army, but by the time dawn was breaking Davos was clearly ready to kill Melisandre before he saw what she was doing.

She walked into the rising sun, removed her magical necklace (which concealed her real, hundreds-year-old body), and succumbed to her fated death.


Last but not least, the episode title "The Long Night" is linked to an early season-one scene and the developing "Game of Thrones" prequel series.

Last but not least, the episode title "The Long Night" is linked to an early season-one scene and the developing "Game of Thrones" prequel series.
Old Nan and Bran on season one, episode three, "Lord Snow." HBO

When Old Nan was telling Bran his favorite "scary story," she mentioned "the Long Night" and how the White Walkers had first come to terrorize Westeros.

HBO has four "Game of Thrones" spin-off series in the works, with the first of these in the pilot stage. That prequel would take place around the Age of Heroes, which just so happens to be the lead-in point to the legendary Long Night.

For the fourth episode of the season, "The Last of the Starks," we start with another credits change.

For the fourth episode of the season, "The Last of the Starks," we start with another credits change.
Winterfell on the opening credits of season eight, episode four, "The Last of the Starks." HBO

The opening credits changed yet again following the destruction of Winterfell.

The week before, the Army of the Dead was shown right outside the walls of Winterfell, but now a collection of funeral pyres was stationed in that spot. The main keep of the castle was also shown in disarray, with the interior all smashed up as part of the battle's aftermath.

Read more: Every new change in the 'Game of Thrones' opening credits you might have missed


Daenerys had a brand new Targaryen-red costume for the feast scene, and it's the first time she's worn this much of her House color.

Daenerys had a brand new Targaryen-red costume for the feast scene, and it's the first time she's worn this much of her House color.
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen on "Game of Thrones." HBO

For Winterfell's celebratory feast scene, Daenerys was dressed in a fully red dress/coat with a black panel running down its front.

The House Targaryen colors of red and black have had a presence in her costumes, though never before was it this pronounced.

The costumes are carefully crafted to reflect characters' journeys, so this was a major hint about Daenerys' future actions.

The costumes are carefully crafted to reflect characters' journeys, so this was a major hint about Daenerys' future actions.
Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. HBO

Costume designer Michele Clapton told INSIDER last season that each "little bit" of clothing or jewelry worn "says something about the character."

At the start of the seventh season, as seen above, Daenerys was only just starting to wear hints of red.

"With Dany in particular, finally we're getting the [Targaryen] red," Clapton said. "She was a confused woman, she was wandering ... trying to seek something. And now she's finally got her armor, she's finally got everything, and she can finally echo the style of her brother with the extended shoulders and the red and the symbolism."

Read more: Michele Clapton reveals how the seventh season costumes reflect Daenerys, Cersei, and Sansa's journeys

The red dress Daenerys wore for Sunday's episode is the most extreme version of this we've seen yet, and we doubt it's coincidental she was in full-Targaryen mode when she was pressuring Jon to never speak a word about his claim to the Iron Throne.


"Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss appeared on the episode as two wildlings.

"Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss appeared on the episode as two wildlings.
Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss at the Winterfell feast. HBO

As Benioff and Weiss point out in HBO's "The Game Revealed" video, they were made up to look like battle-worn wildlings for Winterfell's feast scene.

You can spot them smiling and saluting Jon Snow as Tormund brags about the former-King in the North's accomplishments.

Podrick Payne swooped in after Sandor Clegane yelled at one of the Winterfell gals, and left the feast with two women.

Podrick Payne swooped in after Sandor Clegane yelled at one of the Winterfell gals, and left the feast with two women.
Podrick Payne with two women in the background of the Winterfell feast. HBO

Maintaining his reputation as a master in the arts of seduction, Podrick was shown in the background wooing not one but two women at the feast. They leave the room together just as Sandor and Sansa begin to talk.

Read more: 'Game of Thrones' star Daniel Portman teases his 'intense and sad' final day on set as Podrick Payne


Arya repeated a line from the first season when she turned down Gendry's proposal.

Arya repeated a line from the first season when she turned down Gendry's proposal.
Gendry jumped the gun on this one. Helen Sloan/HBO

Gendry asked Arya to marry him after he was made Lord of Storm's End, but the youngest Stark girl wasn't interested.

"I'm not a lady," Arya said. "I never have been. That's not me."

Back on the first season, Arya told Ned the same thing when he tried telling her about her future.

Back on the first season, Arya told Ned the same thing when he tried telling her about her future.
Arya and Ned together on season one of "Game of Thrones." HBO

When Ned told Arya that Bran would grow up to be the lord of a castle, Arya asked if she could be a lord, too.

"You will marry a high lord and rule his castle," Ned said. "And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords."

"No," Arya replied. "That's not me."


When Tyrion was trying to reason with Bronn, he started to say one of the show's most iconic adages.

When Tyrion was trying to reason with Bronn, he started to say one of the show's most iconic adages.
Tyrion tried to talk Bronn out of killing him. HBO
"Power resides where men believe it resides, " Tyrion began saying before Bronn cut him off.

This was the pearl of wisdom Varys gave to Tyrion back on the second season.

This was the pearl of wisdom Varys gave to Tyrion back on the second season.
Varys talking to Tyrion on season two, episode three, "What Is Dead May Never Die." HBO

While Tyrion was exercising his power as acting Hand of the King, Varys came to him with a riddle. If a sellsword found himself in front of a king, a priest, and a rich man, which person would the sellsword obey?

This, of course, was a trick question.

"Power resides where men believe it resides," Varys told Tyrion. "It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow."


Then came the fifth episode, "The Bells." Like clockwork, the credits shifted ever so slightly.

Then came the fifth episode, "The Bells." Like clockwork, the credits shifted ever so slightly.
The gates of King's Landing on season eight, episode five's credits. HBO

The gates of King's Landing got a small upgrade for the start of "The Bells." Two small scorpions (those massive, dragon-slaying crossbows) popped up on either side of the main gate.

Those didn't appear on last week's episode, "The Last of the Starks." Now that Daenerys destroyed them all, we're sure the credits will change yet again for the finale.

Even before the episode began, the "previously on" segment had a series of important context clues.

Even before the episode began, the "previously on" segment had a series of important context clues.
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen on "Game of Thrones" season eight. HBO

Signaling the dark turn the Mother of Dragons was about to take, the showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss selected a set of seven lines from previous episodes that all showed the internal conflict plaguing Daenerys.


The pieces of dialogue were all centered on the tormented Targaryen legacy.

The pieces of dialogue were all centered on the tormented Targaryen legacy.
Barristan Selmy died on the fifth season of "Game of Thrones." Helen Sloan/HBO

We heard quotes from Dany's best advisers over the years as well as a few choice lines spoken by her enemies or, in the case of Aemon, relatives she never met.

Here's every line and the episode it was pulled from:

  • "Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin."— Cersei Lannister (season two, episode seven)
  • "The Mad King gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved."— Barristan Selmy (season five, episode two)
  • "Children are not their fathers."— Tyrion Lannister (season seven, episode three)
  • "Be a dragon."— Olenna Tyrell (season seven, episode two)
  • "You have a gentle heart."— Jorah Mormont (season two, episode five)
  • "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing."— Aemon Targaryen (season five, episode five)
  • "You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?"— Viserys Targaryen (season one, episode one)

The episode formally started with Varys writing a letter about Jon Snow's real identity.

The episode formally started with Varys writing a letter about Jon Snow's real identity.
One of the letters Varys was writing at the start of the episode. HBO

As revealed on last week's episode, Varys had every intention of killing Daenerys and placing Jon Snow on the Iron Throne in her stead.

His letter is reminiscent of the correspondence Ned Stark sent to Stannis Baratheon back on the first season. That letter, detailing how King Joffrey was Jaime and Cersei's bastard born of incest, was part of the inciting incident for the War of the Five Kings.

Here's part of what Varys's letter said: "...is not the only Targaryen left. Rhaegar and Lyanna [...] their son lives still — hidden by Eddard Stark. His name [...] and he is the true heir to the Iron Throne."


The "little bird" Varys was using to try to poison Daenerys was a familiar face.

The "little bird" Varys was using to try to poison Daenerys was a familiar face.
Martha is one of Varys' "little birds." HBO

Varys called her "Martha" and reminded her that "the greater the risk, the greater the reward" she would get for her spying efforts.

Martha was next to Varys in the crypts during the Battle of Winterfell.

Martha was next to Varys in the crypts during the Battle of Winterfell.
Varys and Martha together in the crypts of Winterfell. HBO

When the Night King reanimated the dead Starks buried in the crypts, Tyrion and Sansa ran past Varys hiding in a corner with a group of children. Martha was among them, though at the time we didn't know she was one of his "little birds."


When Varys was outed by Tyrion and burned alive for his betrayal, the scene mirrored another Dragonstone execution.

When Varys was outed by Tyrion and burned alive for his betrayal, the scene mirrored another Dragonstone execution.
Daenerys executing Varys on the shores of Dragonstone. HBO

Daenerys used Drogon to kill Varys, as she promised him she would back on the second episode of season seven.

"And I swear this," Daenerys had told Varys. "If you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive."

Varys was killed in the same place where Stannis and Melisandre once burned people alive for not believing the Lord of Light.

Varys was killed in the same place where Stannis and Melisandre once burned people alive for not believing the Lord of Light.
Melisandre burning people alive on season four, episode two, "The Lion and the Rose." HBO

Like Daenerys, Stannis Baratheon believed that he was destined to rule the Seven Kingdoms and that the Iron Throne was his by birthright. He turned out to be woefully mistaken and died after losing everything he loved.

Will Daenerys meet the same fate? Or are their chosen paths different enough for her to avoid this parallel?


This shot of Drogon's shadow passing over King's Landing came straight from Bran Stark's vision on the fourth season.

This shot of Drogon's shadow passing over King's Landing came straight from Bran Stark's vision on the fourth season.
The rooftops were shrouded in the specter of Drogon. HBO

Fans had been hoping to see this moment of a dragon flying over King's Landing come to fruition ever since it was foreshadowed back on season four.

Here's what that shadowy scene looked like when Bran saw it:

Here's what that shadowy scene looked like when Bran saw it:
The dragon shadow from Bran's season four vision. HBO

On season four, episode two, "The Lion and the Rose," Bran Stark touched a weirwood tree and had a series of important visions. Not only did he see this future moment, but that was the first time we saw the Night King and another key motif.


Bran also saw this scene of snow falling in the throne room.

Bran also saw this scene of snow falling in the throne room.
Bran's vision of snow falling on the throne room on season four, episode two, "The Lion and the Rose." HBO

Some fans previously wondered whether this scene showed ash, and not snow, since the roof of the Red Keep appeared blackened and destroyed.

It could have been both, but part of it is most certainly snow based on the texture and the way the material is falling in the scene. Plus Emilia Clarke herself referred to it as snow on the season-two DVD-commentary version of the episode.

We long believed this was foreshadowing of Jon Snow's Targaryen parentage and claim to the Iron Throne.

Read more: 'Game of Thrones' has been hinting at Jon Snow's true parentage since season one — here's every clue we spotted

Daenerys had the same snowy vision on the second season finale.

Daenerys had the same snowy vision on the second season finale.
Daenerys approaching the Iron Throne in one of her visions from season two. HBO

When Daenerys entered the House of the Undying, she saw a vision of the Iron Throne for the first time in her life. She reached for the throne's snow-covered armrest but pulled away when she heard her dragons crying.

Though we certainly saw ash falling in King's Landing after Daenerys' attack, the weather forecast for the finale looks snowy to us, so we might see actual snow inside the Red Keep next Sunday.


Daenerys was in a new costume for her attack on King's Landing, and it fully embraced her dragon-like side.

Daenerys was in a new costume for her attack on King's Landing, and it fully embraced her dragon-like side.
The details of Daenerys' new costume hint at her Targaryen lineage. HBO

The upper sleeves of her metallic blackish-purple gown have a scale pattern. Combined with her deep-red sash, this is one of the most Targaryen-themed looks she's ever worn on the show.

Seems as if Daenerys finally took Olenna's advice (which we heard in the opening segment) to "be a dragon."

After Daenerys heard the bells of surrender and opted to continue attacking the city, we never saw her again — only Drogon.

After Daenerys heard the bells of surrender and opted to continue attacking the city, we never saw her again — only Drogon.
The Mother of Dragons. HBO

The episode's director, Miguel Sapochnik, said in HBO's "The Game Revealed" segment that Daenerys pushed forward with the slaughter in part because the surrender felt too easy. She and Grey Worm came for blood, wanting to avenge Missandei and her other fallen followers.

"She feels empty," he said. "It wasn't what she thought it was. It's not enough."

Once Daenerys decided to continue punishing the city, she vanishes from the episode's perspective. We only see the dragon and destruction — never our Mother of Dragons herself.


Jaime got his death wish.

Jaime got his death wish.
Jaime on season five, episode four, "Sons of the Harpy." HBO

Back on the fifth season, Jaime told Bronn he wanted to die "in the arms of the woman" he loved.

While some (us included) may have hoped this really meant Brienne, in the end, Jaime died holding his twin sister, Cersei.

Their fates seem intertwined in the book series, too.

Their fates seem intertwined in the book series, too.
Jaime's last words to Cersei were "nothing matters," the same sentiment he to her said on season six. HBO

In George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series, both Jaime and Cersei say they will die together.

"I cannot die while Cersei lives," Jaime thinks to himself in the third book. "We will die together as we were born together."

Their deaths also seem tied to a prophecy revealed in only the books called "The Valonqar," one that was omitted from the show. You can read all about that particular twist here.


Arya barely survived all the destruction wrought by Daenerys, and at the end of the episode she found a white horse.

Arya barely survived all the destruction wrought by Daenerys, and at the end of the episode she found a white horse.

White horses are often associated with triumph and heroics in mythology, like Gandalf's Shadowfax in "The Lord of the Rings" movies or Pegasus in Greek mythology.

But the New Testament's Book of Revelation also tells of a coming apocalypse heralded by a "pale horse, whose rider is Death."

The horse has yet another meaning. The little girl Arya failed to save was holding a small white horse.

The horse has yet another meaning. The little girl Arya failed to save was holding a small white horse.
Arya tried to save this mother and her child from Drogon's flames. HBO

Arya was saved by this mother during the chaos, and she later tried and failed to return the favor. When Arya saw the young girl's blackened white horse still clutched in her incinerated hand, she cried. The white horse Arya rides away on is a symbol of her new motivations.


The opening credits changed for a final time, and they included the tiny detail of the cracked map floor in the Red Keep.

The opening credits changed for a final time, and they included the tiny detail of the cracked map floor in the Red Keep.
The map room on credits for the "Game of Thrones" series finale, "The Iron Throne." HBO

As expected, King's Landing was shown in ruins for the finale's opening credits following the previous week's massive battle. The gates were crumbled, and the entire castle was in tatters, with the Lannister Lion sigil removed from above the Iron Throne.

But our favorite little detail was the crack shown on Cersei's map floor during the overview shot of the Red Keep.

The crack splits the map right around where the North begins.

The crack splits the map right around where the North begins.
Tyrion walking over Cersei's map of Westeros on the "Game of Thrones" series finale. HBO

Since we hadn't seen the state of the Red Keep on the actual episode yet, it was fun to see how this cracked floor was actually part of the set design.

Plus, it foreshadowed the way Sansa would reclaim the North's independence by the end of the episode.

Read more: Every change in the 'Game of Thrones' opening credits you might have missed this season


Jon recalled Aemon Targaryen's lessons to him from season one, and they connect to virtually every main storyline on the show.

Jon recalled Aemon Targaryen's lessons to him from season one, and they connect to virtually every main storyline on the show.
Tyrion talking to Jon on the "Game of Thrones" series finale. HBO

"Love is the death of duty," Jon told Tyrion.

The last living Lannister flipped that, saying that sometimes "duty is the death of love." Jon Snow killed Daenerys minutes later — but before we get to that important scene, it's worth revisiting Aemon's full speech to Jon Snow.

"We all do our duty, when there is no cost to it," Aemon said.

"We all do our duty, when there is no cost to it," Aemon said.
Aemon Targaryen on the first season of "Game of Thrones." HBO

When Jon Snow first joined the Night's Watch, his vows were tested when he heard about Ned Stark's capture and how Robb had called the banners to march south. Aemon summoned Jon and spoke to him about the tragedy of love and honor.


"What is honor compared to a woman's love?" Aemon asked.

"What is honor compared to a woman's love?" Aemon asked.
Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. HBO

This question frames many of the series' most consequential relationships. Jon Snow's own parents, Rhaegar and Lyanna, forsake their families for their secret love. Jon himself found his first great love in the wildling Ygritte and broke his vows. Robb Stark cast aside his oath to Walder Frey to marry Talisa.

Some of those choices had a costly effect on not just the love-stricken couple but the entire realm of Westeros.

"What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms?" Aemon asked next.

"What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms?" Aemon asked next.
Ned Stark and Lyanna shortly before her death. HBO

Ned Stark knows the answer to this question. He held baby Jon Snow for the first time and promised his dying sister he would protect him, even if it meant bringing dishonor on his wife, Catelyn, and his own reputation as Lord of Winterfell.
