Graham Norton said he had to ask his celebrity guests to stop talking about how much they'd enjoyed lockdown

Graham Norton said he had to ask his celebrity guests to stop talking about how much they'd enjoyed lockdown
Norton also said it took him seven hours to shoot an episode of his show remotely.The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/YouTube
  • The talk-show host Graham Norton told Jimmy Fallon that he had to tell his celebrity guests to stop talking about much they'd enjoyed spending time in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • "They're going: 'I'm so loving it. I get to go to the gym.' And it's like, what gym? The gym is closed," Norton said.
  • "'They prepared dinner' — who is they? Is that your mother's preferred pronoun?" Norton joked.
  • Many celebrities have been accused of tone-deafness on social media during the crisis while less-fortunate people have been suffering.
  • Watch Norton's full interview on "The Tonight Show" above.