The website crashed as soon as the collection dropped with a jacket autographed by Shah Rukh, priced at a whopping Rs 2 lakh, was later found to be sold out. Not just the jacket, but other ensembles too had outlandish pricing such as T-shirts being priced at an shocking Rs 25,000-Rs 47,000.
This did not stop social media users from having a field day at what they do best - roasting.
One wrote: "Kaun Ho Bhai Raees Zaade???#DyavolX"
Another showed his shopping cart, which showed a bill of over Rs 6 lakhs as it contained clothing items D'YAVOL Duck for Rs 48,800, Alpha for RS 45,500, Signature X for 4,01,110 and another Signature X for Rs 2,00,555. The total was Rs. 6,95,965.
The user captioned it: "Bhai #DyavolX ke price dekh ke mere ko chakkar aa rahe hain."
Another said: "Agar yeh common man ke liye nahi, toh trend kaun kara hai? Another #Pathaanonprime? Look at the bloody prices. #DyavolX
One wrote a message for Shah Rukh Khan, saying that he "miserably failed" to address his son about "Pricing strategies".
The user wrote: Dear @iamsrk, My favourite Actor, philosopher, socialist. You miserably failed to address your expensive son about Pricing strategies before launching a product in a market. Agreed that's a luxury brand, possibly you don't aim your fans to sell their kidneys. Lol! #DyavolX"
One aspired to buy a hoodie from the label and quipped: "Thought of buying a hoodie from #DyavolX but then I got to know that they don't deliver to my pin code so I dropped the plan. PS: it just cost around 50k inr for a hoodie. Okay bye.
Another said: "HRX Being human is good enough. Buying from #DyavolX is not even showing off ,it's stupidity. Konsi tshirt 48k me ati ha manufactured in india."